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 It Never Rains But.....

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5 posters
StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 12:02 am

Wouldn't you know it. Starting Aug. 11th, 12th and 13th we're supposed to have a massive meteor shower starting at midnight. It's supposed to be visible anywhere. Of course we have rain tonight. I'm hoping we have at least one clear night. Here is a video about the comet. Keep watching the skies sunny

Swift-Tuttle Comet

Last edited by StarLite Moon on Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 12:28 am

It's been overcast here all day and probably will be tonight. Maybe it will be clear tomorrow night. I would like to see it.

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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 6:58 pm

We had a clear sky last night but nothing. I watched at midnight, 1am, 2am, I even checked at 5am when I got up to go to the bathroom. Still nothing. They say that the big finale is tonight in the northeast sky, but it should be visible anywhere. They say and I'm beginning to think they are full of country stuff, that there is supposed to be about 60-100 an hour, ya sure. Earth is supposed to be passing through the tail of the comet causing the shower. I'd be happy just seeing one, come on guys I missed out the star of Bethlehem give us something. Let me know if you're lucky, will keep you posted here sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 7:24 pm

Been nice & sunny here in my neck of the woods . A welcome change from being hot enough to fry bacon on the asphalt . Not sure if the comet will be visible where I am .
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Daredevil Pioneer

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 9:46 pm

Anybody here, besides me, old enough to remember Sputnik? It was launched by the Russians and appeared like a star in the sky as it moved in its orbit across the sky. Tom and I lived out in the country at the time, about 8 miles from Topeka, Kansas, and away from city lights so we were able to see the stars very well, but which one was moving? I looked and looked and nothing, but then I noticed my favorite constellation up there in the sky, the Big Dipper! It has 7 stars and I started counting them starting with the 4 stars for the dipper part and then counting the handle stars: five, six, seven, eight ... what? And then that 8th star started to move and I realized I was watching Sputnik making its historic journey! The start of the Space Age.
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StarLite Moon
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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyThu Aug 13, 2015 12:04 am

Quite the story Mindysue. I remember hearing about Sputnik but I was 2 years old then, that would have been quite the site to see though. I remember I worked with this lady who seen the Hindenburg fly over her school in Holland when she was a little girl.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for a good sighting tonight. sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyThu Aug 13, 2015 3:03 am

Fingers crossed, right and left hand ... good luck!
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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyThu Aug 13, 2015 8:17 pm

Well no luck last night and I was watching at midnight, 1am, 2am and 3am after that I gave up. Hubby said that if I feel up to it he'll take me out tonight to see if we can see any. But I'm not driving around the neighborhood at 2am, good luck explaining to the police that we're out meteor hunting. I don't understand it, the so-called experts said that there will be at least 65-100 an hour sightings. Is it me or is that a lot, someone should be able to see at least one somewhere in the world. Now I'm on the hunt for the next event which I believe is a super moon and a lunar eclipse on a blood moon. Will keep you posted, and don't forget to keep watching the skies sunny
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Daredevil Pioneer

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyThu Aug 13, 2015 11:28 pm

I tried to find news about the meteor showers on the Internet, but all I found was a video on something called Perseids. If I understood it correctly, the meteor showers take place in the Perseids constellation every year in August. There were some views of the sky, but nothing very special that I could see, until there was a shot of the Comet, forgot the name, which blazed a nice trail. I'm wondering if maybe it wasn't as spectacular as it sounds and it was possible to see it without recognizing it? I surely didn't recognize anything in the video, just some stars and not many of them ... or were they stars?
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StarLite Moon
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StarLite Moon

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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyFri Aug 14, 2015 2:45 pm

I messed up on the link, sorry about that. I'd like to know where they're seeing these things because we never get to see anything here, well except for those 50-60 UFOs that went by the house. There was one video but it was just the one meteor not the spectacular hundreds that was predicted. Oh well, I guess we're not in a good spot for it. Maybe some day sunny
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Lady Kestrel
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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptySun Sep 06, 2015 2:21 am

I watched the Perseids several years ago from a dark road along the bay here in NJ.  It's best if you lie on your back looking up and stare in the same general area.  They are small red streaks in the sky and easy to miss, but in the hour or so I watched I counted at least 25.  Then the mosquitos found me and chased me home. Very Happy
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StarLite Moon
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It Never Rains But..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: It Never Rains But.....   It Never Rains But..... EmptyMon Sep 07, 2015 3:04 pm

Knowing me I'd fall asleep out there and wake up with a skunk sleeping beside me. We have a super blood moon coming on the 27th, if I miss that one at least I got to see it's 1/4. It's already starting to go red here. Hubby laughs at me staying up late to miss these things. Keep your fingers crossed for a sighting here this month sunny
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