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 Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure Empty
PostSubject: Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure   Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure EmptyMon Apr 13, 2020 1:55 pm

this is what I've been working on, it's a neo noir detective (classic point and click adventure) game with some extras (bit of action).
This is a prequel to series, I plan to launch it hopefully by end of this year.

Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure Joe-sc10

Hope you like it, I'd really like to hear some of your thoughts, if you would be interested in playing this game, if you like the trailer...etc.

Here's a trailer:

Expect some updates during next months...

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure   Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure EmptySun May 17, 2020 8:30 pm

Looking promising. Smile
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Joe Kowalski Chronicles - neo noir point and click adventure
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