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 Detritus: The Daemons Quest

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Detritus: The Daemons Quest Empty
PostSubject: Detritus: The Daemons Quest   Detritus: The Daemons Quest EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 1:48 am

A couple of years ago, maybe 10 years, I've bought a game out of a 'bargainbin'.
The game was called 'Detritus: The Daemons Quest'.
I reinstalled it 2 months ago, just to find out that I still couldn't finish this game. I'm stuck, everytime at the same point...

I've looked on the internet for so long, and after a couple of weeks I finally found somebody who knew the game! But she's stuck at the precise point where I'm stuck... :'(
We tried everything, at this moment I'm scared that it can even be a programming error, or perhaps error as a result of playing the game in DosBox.

So, if there's anybody else out there who knows this game, let us hear from you, please!

Kind regards,

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Detritus: The Daemons Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detritus: The Daemons Quest   Detritus: The Daemons Quest EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 1:48 am

Hi Bas!
It's not a game that's mentioned very often, but I have seen it talked about once or twice. I'll have a quick look for a walkthrough for you when I get a chance, but, hopefully, someone will be along to help you. Fingers crossed!
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Detritus: The Daemons Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detritus: The Daemons Quest   Detritus: The Daemons Quest EmptySun Dec 13, 2009 1:49 am

By Bas on Wed Jan 21, 2009 at 11:28PM

You don't have to bother and use google, I guess there's no site left which I didn't opened ;-)
But, all help is welcome!
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Detritus: The Daemons Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detritus: The Daemons Quest   Detritus: The Daemons Quest EmptyWed Dec 08, 2010 8:41 pm

Hello Gelert - It's quite a while ago since I played this one but like you seemed to grind to a halt in the game after getting a fair way through.

I got stuck after giving the required item to Gelana at the River & then being informed I just needed the Crystal now.

After that I just went round in circles unable to trigger anything else.

I have retained notes on the game up to this point if I can assist you further, but suspect you may well have reached thesame impasse.

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Detritus: The Daemons Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detritus: The Daemons Quest   Detritus: The Daemons Quest EmptyWed Dec 08, 2010 10:54 pm

Hi KwaZulu, and WELCOME! Very Happy

Thatnkss for the tip, but I haven't played it.

The reason my name is on the post above is because I copied and pasted all the 'old forum' (very primitive), posts when I made this new forum.

If you look above you'll see the query was voice by Bas. I'm not sure if Bas has joined since the new setup has been in place though. Unless it's Bastos, or someone else, under another name.
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