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 Just in case anyone's after some htf games

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Just in case anyone's after some htf games Empty
PostSubject: Just in case anyone's after some htf games   Just in case anyone's after some htf games EmptyTue Mar 09, 2010 10:16 pm

This is just a heads up to anyone interested.

I've no interest, I promise but, if anyone's been looking for The Neverhood, 3 Skulls of the Toltecs and Celtics, plus a fair few others, someone's selling them on eBay at the moment.

I've seen the seller sell games before and all I can say is that he/she looks reputable, and with good feedback ratings. The prices will, probably go a fair bit higher though.

I'll post the URL if anyone's interested (or p.m.). Up to you. Just in case anyone's after some htf games 43653

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Just in case anyone's after some htf games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just in case anyone's after some htf games   Just in case anyone's after some htf games EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 3:09 am

Gelert I would be interested in the URL Smile

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Just in case anyone's after some htf games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just in case anyone's after some htf games   Just in case anyone's after some htf games EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 12:55 pm

Hi hats! Smile I've sent you a message via p.m..
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Just in case anyone's after some htf games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just in case anyone's after some htf games   Just in case anyone's after some htf games EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 2:31 pm

Thanks Gelert

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Just in case anyone's after some htf games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just in case anyone's after some htf games   Just in case anyone's after some htf games EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 4:47 pm

If anyone is interested..The Neverhood has been for sale right here in your own back yard with some other htfs that aren't at unrealistic prices. Like Real Myst and Gilbert Goodmate to name a couple. Just passing it along in case some are not aware of the Game Trading Center section in the A.P. forums. Smile
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Just in case anyone's after some htf games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just in case anyone's after some htf games   Just in case anyone's after some htf games EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 5:16 pm

This is an important point that Ang makes.

Hi Ang.

I hadn't looked at your list in detail, so sincere apologies for overlooking that fact.


I certainly agree with Ang in that, if you're after Adventure games (hard to find ones, and others), the best place to get them is from people you know and you're friendly with.

Ang has some fantastic bargains there folks, and this is certainly not the first time that Ang has made available so many great Adventures at such bargain prices. Believe me, as a long time collector, I know.

So, for anyone looking for a cracking Adventure, don't miss this chance. She will - I'm fairly confident - run out of games-for-sale eventually! And, then it'll be too late. Wink
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