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 Darkness Within: The Dark Lineage

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Darkness Within: The Dark Lineage Empty
PostSubject: Darkness Within: The Dark Lineage   Darkness Within: The Dark Lineage EmptyWed Mar 31, 2010 3:09 am

Darkness Within is a series of adventure games inspired by famous horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. In "The Dark Lineage", the second installment of the Darkness Within series, players again take the role of police detective Howard Loreid, who suffered from the paranormal happenings around him in the first volume “In Persuit of Loath Nolder”. Now, Howard discovers that his own horrible past is connected with the madness that is about to swallow him. This second volume will see the Darkness Within saga come to its conclusion.

Release Date May 14, 2010

See More About Darkness Within: Dark Lineage Here

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