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 Alone in the Dark

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

Posts : 3922
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Join date : 2009-12-13

Alone in the Dark Empty
PostSubject: Alone in the Dark   Alone in the Dark EmptyThu Apr 14, 2011 10:18 pm

Alone in the Dark is now available for purchase at GOG. Alone in the Dark 2 and 3 are a free added bonus with purchase of Alone in the Dark.

Alone in the Dark

The grand-daddy of survival horror genre
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's universe, where ancient evils of unimaginary power play with human lives

A suspicious suicide. A chilling curse. A malevolent power. Finally, a wicked dark secret. This is Derceto, a legendary Louisiana mansion where, against your better judgment, you're drawn into a world of shadows to explore the darker side of Jeremy Hartwood's imagination.

Despite a paralyzing sense of personal danger, your quest for truth drives you to investigate the old house. But, you didn't know that, by entering Derceto, you'll be plunged into the daily nightmare that was Jeremy Hartwood's life. You weren't prepared for the torturous howls that resound from deep within its halls. You didn’t foresee the shadowy corridors that seemingly have no end. You couldn't anticipate the brooding, gloom-filled rooms, the pervasive weight of dread, the heavy sense of evil that gills the atmosphere and the very house itself.

Had you known, you might have refused this task. But alas, you accepted, and now you must make your way through this spine-tingling adventure alone... and in the dark.

You can find the game for purchase Here

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Alone in the Dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alone in the Dark   Alone in the Dark EmptyFri Apr 15, 2011 1:36 pm

I got an email notice about this , this morning . Interesting !
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Alone in the Dark
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