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 Puzzle Bots Released

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Join date : 2009-12-13

Puzzle Bots Released  Empty
PostSubject: Puzzle Bots Released    Puzzle Bots Released  EmptySat Apr 03, 2010 9:27 pm

Puzzle Bots from Independent Developer Wadjeteye Games.

Life at Dr. Hugo’s Factory for Making Robots has never been crazier. Zander, a gifted but absent-minded inventor, has just finished a bright-eyed little robot he calls “Hero.” Hero is obedient, hard working, and eager-to-please. The perfect cover.

But what do robots do when their inventors aren't looking? When the coast is clear, Hero and his fellow robots take off on an epic journey full of curious animals, mischievous children and sleep-deprived scientists.

Will Zander win the affections of the pretty new scientist? Will the robots meet their untimely end before the holiday shopping season? And most importantly, has anyone else noticed something weird about the layout of the factory?

Sometimes, the big questions can only be answered by little robots.

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