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 Wittard : Nemesis of Ragnarok

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Join date : 2009-12-13

Wittard : Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Wittard : Nemesis of Ragnarok   Wittard : Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat May 01, 2010 2:31 am

Game Featuures

Explore the ruins of a decaying building and uncover its terrible secret
Non - linear gameplay: explore at your own pace
Experience urban decay in high resolution graphics
Eerie and mysterious soundtrack with full musical score
Discover a massive world in First Person Perspective
Use skill and cunning to search for clues and solve puzzles
A gentle but gripping plot packed with twist and turns

More about the game On The Horizon

Official Website

Wittard : Nemesis of Ragnarok ScreenShot8

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