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 Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyFri Jan 14, 2011 5:54 pm

Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok can now be pre - ordered from the Iceberg Webshop with free shipping until the day of release

Release Date: Feb 18, 20011

The eccentric architect Baron Wittard has built something really special: a city inside a building. This monumental pleasure dome, called ' The Utopia ', features 1000 apartments, a shopping mall, and hundreds of offices and leisure facilities. All under one roof. Its grand opening was supposed to have been two years ago. That event never happened. A chain of mysterious has now left the Utopia abandoned and silent. People have gone missing. Electromagnetic disturbances are increasing. These happenings all point to Wittard's desolate Utopia. Armed with only a camera and a torch, you must journey there alone to explore its winding corridors, its secret passageways and its gloomy halls. Local townspeople say Wittard kept a terrible secret. They speak fearfully of someone or something malevolent lurking at his city. They say it is waiting and growing in power. They say time is running out....

Game Features

Explore the ruins of a decaying building and uncover its terrible secret
Non - linear gameplay: explore at your own pace
Experience urban decay in high resolution graphics
Eerie and mysterious soundtrack with full musical score
Discover a massive world in First Person Perspective
Use skill and cunning to search for clues and solve puzzles

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyFri Jan 14, 2011 6:15 pm

Thanks Hats

The link says Feb 1st it will available. I contacted Dave at Interact about this game and he is checking with his Iceberg contact to see if he can get it also. I think I will support Dave for all his hard work and wait.
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyFri Jan 14, 2011 7:02 pm

You are welcome GreyFuss. I suspect that pre orders will be filled on Feb 1st while everyone else will have to wait for a Feb 18 th release.

Let us know if Dave is going to get the game. Smile

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyFri Jan 14, 2011 10:04 pm

Miss Hats

Where did you get the Feb 18th date?
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyFri Jan 14, 2011 11:40 pm

GreyFuss the Feb 18th date was the release date mentioned in the press release.

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyFri Jan 14, 2011 11:47 pm

Thats weird. I guess they didn't bother to update their site.
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat Jan 15, 2011 1:00 am

A discrepancy in dates seems to happen quite a bit though and it could be different release dates for different areas.

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat Jan 15, 2011 1:36 pm


Thank you for your interest in Baron Wittard. I hope that you will find it enjoyable. A number of previews are available on-line, as well as developer diaries that offer some additional information about the game, for those interested. Baron Wittard will have both a retail and a digital download release. I see that there appears to be some discrepancy about the European retail release date, as to whether it is the 1st or the 18th of February. I will attempt to clarify this for you, if possible.

Alan Thorn.
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat Jan 15, 2011 1:58 pm

Thanks for calling by Alan.

Any clarification you can give will be very much appreciated.

Baron Wittard looks to be a game that will bring Adventure game fans much pleasure over the coming months.

For those that may have missed it, Alan kindly granted Adventure Point an interview and sneak-peak of his exciting new game, back towards the end of 2009.

Here it is . . Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok

Baron Wittard website . . Here

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat Jan 15, 2011 2:00 pm

Hello Alan

Thanks for stopping by and trying to get us the date of release. I know there may be a view players out there that haven't yet hear of Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok (very few) but for me I have read and seen enough to know that I want to be playing your game as soon as possible.

You mention that this is the European retail release, do you have a North American Publisher and an expected release date?
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptySat Jan 15, 2011 9:10 pm

Hi Alan

Yes please let us know about those release dates and a North America release if you can. I have been wanting to play Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Raganark for a very long time. The screen shots are just beautiful Smile

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyMon Jan 17, 2011 9:37 am

Hello again,

Thanks for the comments and glad to hear that you are looking forward to the game.

I can confirm that the official release date of Baron Wittard in Europe is Friday the 18th of Feb 2011, as stated in the press release.

Baron Wittard does not currently have an official publisher/distributor for North America. I hope this will change soon, as I am keen to make the game available to as many people as possible and as early as possible. For the moment however, gamers in North America will be able to purchase the game either as a digital download or perhaps from stores selling the product as an 'import'.

I hope this has been helpful.

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyMon Jan 17, 2011 3:28 pm

Hi Alan

Thanks for the confirmation on the release date. I will keep my fingers crossed that you find a North America publisher and that the import stores will get copies of Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragarnak. It looks to good to miss Smile

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyMon Jan 17, 2011 9:58 pm

Great...Thanks Alan

Interact does have connections with Iceberg, I just hope he gets them shortly after the 18th

BTW you still have the Pizza Parlor? If so how many Greedy Gut Gourmet's would I have to buy to get the free female escort?
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 8:30 am

GreyFuss, I see that you have played my free adventure game, Sigma Smile

The free female escort offer has since expired, and that particular pizza parlour has yet to open a branch in the world of Wittard Utopia. But hungry travellers will be pleased to hear that Wittard Utopia does offer an Indian take-away, minus the escort offer.
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 1:51 pm

Well I must tell you how disappointed I am in hearing that I missed the free escort offer. Yes I have played Sigma or should I say I am trying it again right now. I couldn't never get past the Chinese Checker puzzle at the beginning. Did I tell you how much I hate Chinese Checker puzzles Cool ever since running into the one in Shivers years ago before the Internet? I had to use their Hot Line at $1.50 a minute to slowly get and hurriedly write down the few dozen moves to complete it. Bad thing was that if I wrote down one wrong step or missed one the puzzle could not be completed and I would have to call again. A truly expensive puzzle for me but a very memorable game.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 4:29 pm

I too phoned the UK version of that Shivers helpline to find the solution not for the Chinese Checkers puzzle but for Musical Shells puzzle. I simply could not reproduce that song on my own. Shivers had a strong influence on me, and it comes through in Baron Wittard, as I hope many gamers will detect: there is a large building to explore, an eccentric creator, and puzzles that must be solved in order to unlock a supernatural power. You might be pleased to hear that there are no Chinese Checkers puzzles in the game, but that does not mean that the puzzles are a push-over. Indeed, most of the previews have commented on their difficulty Wink
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 4:48 pm

lol.... I just downloaded Sigma...... I may be on the Chinese Checkers for quite some time Smile
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 7:07 pm

I am happy to hear there are no Chinese Checkers in Baron Wittard. ( I just got past that diabolic puzzle in Shivers a few days ago. Whew ) I am very happy that Baron Wittard is exploration of a large building, an eccentric creator and puzzles that must be solved to unlock a supernatural power. I like these kind of games. I'm really anxious to get my hands on this game.

winfrey take notes and make saves on that Chinese checkers games if you can. Good luck with it Smile

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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 2:54 pm

The excellent new Trailor can be found HERE
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 5:03 pm

Thanks for the trailer, GreyFuss. Very nice trailer...
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Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok   Baron Wittard: The Nemesis of Ragnarok EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 5:42 pm

Thank you GreyFuss. Great trailor looks really good.

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