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 Force Majeure II: The Zone

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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
PostSubject: Force Majeure II: The Zone   Force Majeure II: The Zone EmptySun May 02, 2010 7:22 pm

Hi everyone.

Thanks to ali of you who made the Mayday game contest so much fun.

Now, I'll let you all into my secret.

Contrary to the belief of quite a few people, this 'game' has never NOT been available for purchase. In fact, it always has been available but, because of some apparent misinformation on the websites concerned, it appeared as though you couldn't actually order it. Also, it appeared to be the case that the game was not available in English and it didn't help that the link for ordering the game was a dead end. I contacted the people responsible and, now, it's clearly available again.

I say 'game', but Mr Max Valentin tells me that it's more of an interactive adventure novel really. I've played the demo and I can see why he says that. Very kindly, Mr Valentin donated a copy of Force Majeure II: The Zone so that I could use it in my idea for a Mayday competition. So, it's thanks to him really.

If I've managed to trigger your interest in Force Majeure II: The Zone then, please pop over to the following places to:

1). Get more information on the 'game'.
2). Play the demo/s.
3). Order a copy of the game (in very cool folder packaging), at a very reasonable price indeed.

So, this where you need to go:

Game information

Force Majeure II: The Zone on Adventure Point

Demos store

Please note that, although the packaging and title are in Swedish, the 'game' plays in English.

Here's a brief description of the 'game' from

'Force majeure II: The Zone is a mind-blowing journey that will take you into another world and beyond. The project is a serious-minded attempt to make you question the nature of reality you are living in. What is ”real”? Can you really trust your senses or are you seeing illusions? Are you dreaming of being in the Zone, or are you in the Zone dreaming that you are in front of this computer? There is no coming back from this trip.'

If you have any questions about ordering, please drop Max and his team an Email. I'm sure he'd be happy to help. This is their Email address (also shown on Home page):

This is what HandsFree won, and what you'll receive if you want to order one yourselves:

Force Majeure II: The Zone Force_11
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Force Majeure II: The Zone   Force Majeure II: The Zone EmptySun May 02, 2010 8:25 pm

Thanks Gelert, You rock Very Happy
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Lady Kestrel
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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Force Majeure II: The Zone   Force Majeure II: The Zone EmptySun May 02, 2010 10:03 pm

Hmm. I see it says that Mac and Linux ports are in the making. I wonder if they'll follow through with them.
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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Force Majeure II: The Zone   Force Majeure II: The Zone EmptyTue May 04, 2010 3:03 pm

You didn't include the price and the shipping and handling - could you specify this? I live in the Pittsburgh area.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Force Majeure II: The Zone   Force Majeure II: The Zone EmptyTue May 04, 2010 3:14 pm

K515 wrote:
You didn't include the price and the shipping and handling - could you specify this? I live in the Pittsburgh area.

Hi K515. As I said above "If you have any questions about ordering, please drop Max and his team an Email. I'm sure he'd be happy to help. This is their Email address (also shown on Home page):"

If you go to the link/s I've given you, you'll see the game description and the price clearly stated there. For anything else, I suggest you Email the website.

Hope that helps. flower
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Force Majeure II: The Zone   Force Majeure II: The Zone EmptySun May 09, 2010 6:57 am

I always meant to buy Force Majeure II, had a link in my favorites that pointed to the online store, but never actually did. By the sound of it, I guess I may have had an issue getting through the ordering process hehe. I remember playing the demo and having fun with it. At the time it seemed to be an ambitious use of the AGS engine.
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Force Majeure II: The Zone Empty
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