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 ScummVM supports Blue Force!

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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ScummVM supports Blue Force! Empty
PostSubject: ScummVM supports Blue Force!   ScummVM supports Blue Force! EmptyThu Dec 22, 2011 10:36 pm

As stated in the Website of ScummVM, the next release of the popular emulator will have support for "BLUE FORCE". The Police Quest similar game from Tsunami Media, which was actually created by Jim Walls, the creator of the Police Quest Series, after he stopped working for Sierra on Line.

Here is information about this great, but not so famous Adventure of 1993.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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ScummVM supports Blue Force! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ScummVM supports Blue Force!   ScummVM supports Blue Force! EmptySat Apr 21, 2012 2:45 am

Awesome. I'm still amazed how the Scumm community go out of their way to support super old games.

Anyway, I remember playing this. You can literally kill anyone you want and die dozens of ways. The randomness is a reason enough to play.

Now I just have to go find it.....
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ScummVM supports Blue Force!
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