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 Slip Space - The Little Known Gem

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyMon May 17, 2010 9:55 pm

There is a new game out there that hasn't had much publicity since its release and I don't know why as this game is a little known gem.

If you liked the Rhem games - Then you will like Slip Space
If you liked the Mysterious Journey games - Then you will like Slip Space
If you liked games like Drowned God, The Dark Eye and the like - Then you will like Slip Space
If you like first person, point & click, solo exploration games - Then you will like Slip Space
If you like puzzles that are seamlessly built into the landscape - Then you will like Slip Space
If you like a fresh, new & imaginative story line - Then you will like Slip Space
If you like new Indie Developers with tons of talent - Then you will love Slip Space
If you like games where you use your own brain and not be led around by the hand (like many of the new releases) - Then you will like Slip Space

Get the point?
When I finished Slip Space I wanted more. For his first game this Indie Developer hit the nail on the head. But don't take my word for it...check out THIS NEW REVIEW over at JA+. I have my fingers crossed that this game will be successful enough for this developer to put his ideas into another game.

Slip Space: The Burma Shave Analogy Web Site
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyMon May 17, 2010 11:48 pm

Hm, it says "Make the purchase on the computer and browser from which you intend to download the game".
That doesn't at all sound right to me. I'll wait for a disk version.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyTue May 18, 2010 12:16 am

Hi HandsFree

That is only for the cookie that tells his website that you have paid and the link will show up for your download. After the download is complete you can burn the game to disk. The cookie also lets you re download the game if you need to. You do not need online activation to play the game. This is similar to how you get GOG games. I don't think there are any plans for a disk version at this time but I may be wrong.

I hope I got this right but I will bet Dan, the developer, will be by shortly to explain it better.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyTue May 18, 2010 12:54 am

GreyFuss is right HandsFree.
That warning only applies to the download process. Once you have it you can move to any other PC.
I really could have gone without issuing that warning but I didn't want people buying it at work and then wondering why it wasn't there for them on their home machine ( or some similiar scenario).
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyTue May 18, 2010 1:57 am

Hi SlipSpace Thank you for explaining that to everyone who was wondering about it.

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyTue May 18, 2010 12:25 pm

Ok thanks. Smile I'll have a look again.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptySat May 22, 2010 4:10 am

Hope you enjoy the game as much as I did HandsFree
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptySun May 23, 2010 6:00 am

I notice that there is a sale going on till May 31st. Priced at $19.99, and I just purchased a copy. This game sounds pretty cool from everything I've been reading about it, reviews and all. Hope the developer can continue to show the world his talent.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyMon May 31, 2010 9:14 pm

Today, May 31, is the last day of the $19.99 sale.
In theory, the price will return to $24.99 at the strike of midnight. However, that's way past my bedtime so it will not be changed until about 5 or 6:00 am on June 1. I'm in Utah, mountain daylight time, so that extends the sale quite a bit for those of you across the pond.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Slip Space - The Little Known Gem Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slip Space - The Little Known Gem   Slip Space - The Little Known Gem EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 9:33 am

I just completed Slip Space: The Burma Shave and overall I thought well of it. It definitely will appeal to a certain type of adventure genre player. I think GreyFuss outlined the type of player well in his post above. Much like the Rhem games, it is figuring out how the game world operates from start to finish. There is little (to no) hand holding here. I like to think I'm a fairly intelligent person, but admit some of the puzzles had me truly stumped until I checked a walkthrough for a hint. A couple of small issues held the game back in my opinion. One thing is the voice acting. Maybe it's just me, but I had a hard time hearing what was being said. Seemed like each voice was run through various filters and whatnot, and then the voice would go from the right speaker to left, etc. The end result was confusing, and I easily lost track of the info that the voice was conveying to me. Ergo, the whole plot of the game was very confusing for me from start to finish, heh. I really was kind of lost as to what the heck was going on. Still, this is the type of game that almost doesn't even need a plot, just dive right in and figure things out.

One question I have though is in regards to removing the program. I noticed that there is no entry in the windows uninstall list. Also nothing under the start->program files or even when I go to the directory I unzipped all the files to. I'm guessing I can just delete the dicrectory that the game unzipped itself to but would like someone else's opinion on that first before I go and do it.

Edit: I heard back from the developer on this question. He said there are no registry entries or stuff like that, so it's okay to just delete the installation folder. I'm definitely going to burn the zipped game onto a DVD disk though in case I want to replay down the road. Knowing my memory skills, in 12 months it will be like I never played it! LOL
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