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 Latest on A.S.A. A Space Adventure

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Latest on A.S.A.  A Space Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Latest on A.S.A. A Space Adventure   Latest on A.S.A.  A Space Adventure EmptyMon Nov 19, 2012 2:17 am

Latest on A.S.A. A Space Adventure

Quote :

Good news : ASA has chances to be sold on, and I do really hope so !
"We think that ASA looks interesting and we’d like to learn more about it."

I remember buying Resonance on GOG for a low price, and that was a great surprise to get free bonuses with the game. ASA would have its own bonuses too : wallpapers, music and the original short film, for example.

But for the moment, nothing is certain !
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Latest on A.S.A.  A Space Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Latest on A.S.A. A Space Adventure   Latest on A.S.A.  A Space Adventure EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 7:47 am

I've been following development of this game on the Adventure Maker forum.

Adventure Maker Forum ASA Space Adventure

Game looks good. Pretty solid effort for an indie!
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