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 New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o)

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Empty
PostSubject: New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o)   New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) EmptyWed Jul 14, 2010 8:59 pm

New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) 385ac808
New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Ac39430c
New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) E075e7e0
New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) 55c0dff2
New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) 21e75ae8
New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) 1e6ff155
New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Caaecde0
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New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o)   New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 3:55 am

Am thinking of maybe trading for this game over on swaptree - does the player have to do any fighting/self-defense (I hope not)?
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Daredevil Pioneer

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New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o)   New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 8:02 pm

Great screenshots and dialogues. So Fenton isn't going to take the car. Just as well since it is a police car! Wouldn't that make it "grand theft outo" rather than a "misdemeanor"? I also like the scientist's answer to the soldier.
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New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o)   New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o) Empty

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New Lost Horizon screenshots sent to me today! Enjoy! :o)
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