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 Treasure Island

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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Join date : 2009-12-14
Location : New England

Treasure Island Empty
PostSubject: Treasure Island   Treasure Island EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 7:39 pm

A while back there was a sale at DreamCatcher and somehow I accidently ordered two copies. (something about not providing my correct email or something on the order) I tried to make arrangements to return one but customer service never gave me a response. Anyhow it has been sitting on a shelf for months gathering dust. It's not the greatest adventure game ever but if anyone thinks they might enjoy it then let me know.

Treasure Island TI1
Treasure Island TI2

By the way, does anyone happen to know the going rate of a used mint copy of Black Mirror 2 these days? Laughing

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Location : Iron Age

Treasure Island Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure Island   Treasure Island EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 8:33 pm

Hello Camaro

Long time no see. Have you also abandoned JA as I don't see you posting anymore.

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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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Location : New England

Treasure Island Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure Island   Treasure Island EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 10:08 pm

Hi Greyfuss,

In general I haven't felt all that chatty these days which sort of makes me feel homeless in a way. Best case it's just a 'phase' that I'll just snap out of, worst case a symptom of something far more serious.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Treasure Island Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure Island   Treasure Island EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 10:23 pm

Hi Camaro

Maybe it this Treasure Island game that is weighing you down. Hopefully someone will come around and snatch it up so you we can have you back to normal.

Happy Holidays
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Treasure Island Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure Island   Treasure Island Empty

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Treasure Island
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