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 Conspiracies II Lethal Networks

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Conspiracies II Lethal Networks Empty
PostSubject: Conspiracies II Lethal Networks   Conspiracies II Lethal Networks EmptyWed Feb 23, 2011 4:15 am

Conspiracies II Lethal Networks

The story continues with Nick Delios and his conspiracy investigations. Brought to you by Anemia pod the game is a real D game. You can move anywhere in space, open drawers, closets drag things around, drive vehicles and more. The game uses real live actors in 2 1/2 hours of scenes. There are 12 interactive locations.

Developer: Anemia pod
Perspective: First Person
Presentation: FM
Control: Mouse and Keyboard
Theme: Mystery/ Science Fiction
Platform: PC

Website and screen shots Here
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