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 Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11 Empty
PostSubject: Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11   Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11 EmptyFri May 20, 2011 4:34 am

Anima ppd-interactive team introduces new patch, adding a revolutionary hint system for Conspiracies II – Lethal Networks for the “non hard core” adventurers


Hint System
The hint system is activated and deactivated with the TAB button. After its activation you may see a red arrow icon above each item that can be collected. The icon with the green circle and arrows is the spot where the player has to combine an item from his inventory. The four orange arrows icon represents the objects that can be moved and the magnifying glass the spots that have to be thoroughly examined. The compass icons are located on the spots where the player may travel to other worlds. Another icon is the one with the photo camera. The last icon is the one with the exclamation mark where the gamer should carry on with extreme caution. All icons are visible in a relatively close distance, even behind doors or walls.

Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11 Securedownload-1

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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11   Conspiracies II Lethal Networks - New Patch 5/20/11 EmptyFri May 20, 2011 1:13 pm

Thank You Very Happy
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