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 News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad Empty
PostSubject: News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad   News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad EmptyTue Apr 19, 2011 10:34 pm

The following is an exerpt from an Email I received today from Bohemia Interactive . .


. . . . .

. . . . the adventure title Father Frost, which is now available
for iPhone 3 and 4, iPod and iPad (also in HD version for iPhone 4 and

Our initial release in December 2010 was in the Czech language. Now we
release our first full iOS project in English.

Father Frost is a classic adventure game based on a legendary Russian
fairy-tale, a story about love, wrath, avarice, humbleness,
lowliness and searching.
It´s divided into four acts - according to the four seasons - all
created with handmade graphics and lovely animations. The game
is available on the AppStore now."

This is good news for fans of 'mobile' Adventures. 'Father Frost' (Abbrev.), is a really nice game.

You can read about it here ....... Father Frost game

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

Posts : 3922
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Join date : 2009-12-13

News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad Empty
PostSubject: Re: News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad   News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad EmptyTue Apr 19, 2011 11:03 pm

Thanks Gelert, that's nice for people with the iPod, iPad and iPhone. Father Frost does look like a charming game.

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News from Bohemia Interactive - Nice Adventure game now iPhone, iPod and iPad
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