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 Tex Murphy's New Game

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Tex Murphy's New Game Empty
PostSubject: Tex Murphy's New Game   Tex Murphy's New Game EmptySat Jun 18, 2011 8:17 pm

OOP's, Now that I have your attention, what I meant to say was Chris Jones (who plays Tex Murphy) has a New Game in the works.

Big Finnish Games has a new Casual Game they have been working on called Escape from Thunder Island for PC or Mac. A Video, Screenshots and a playable Demo can be had at the Big Finnish web site. As with the other Casual Games released by Chris Jones, the proceeds hopefully will be enough to fund a full length Tex Murphy adventure game. Aaron Conners was not a part of this latest game as he has stated that he no longer wants to participate in the making of Casual games. He stated this in his just released interview at Adventure Treff HERE.

I thought this would be of interest to adventure gamers for Aarons interesting Interview and the fact he was asked about a new TexMurphy Game.
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