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 The Mystery of the Wicked Village

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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The Mystery of the Wicked Village Empty
PostSubject: The Mystery of the Wicked Village   The Mystery of the Wicked Village EmptyMon Jun 20, 2011 5:53 pm

Alcachofa Soft announces a new story of their detective monk

Alcachofa Soft is pleased to present Leonardo de Toledo’s new adventure, to be simultaneously worldwide released in a multilingual edition for PC (both DVD and digital download).

While Brother Leonardo is investigating the missing of the prior of his Order, he’s surprised by a sudden storm that forces him to seek refuge in a nearby village. There, he discovers that the quiet appearance of the little town and its inhabitants hides some supernatural facts, and the Devil’s presence can overshadow even the most unlikely of places.

The mystery of the wicked village keeps the ingredients that made The Abbey the most awarded Spanish game of 2009 (Desarrollador_Es awards for best screenplay, best music and sound, and best game of the year), as well as incorporating some artistic, technical and gameplaying enhancements. Some strong efforts are making for giving this game a variety of scenarios and characters, more than a sole and an austere abbey, while keeping the look and spirit of its predecessor. The technical level will be enhanced with HDR lighting and a new SFX system, among a greater diversity in some classic-style complexity of puzzles and drama will be balanced in gameplaying.

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