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 Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers Empty
PostSubject: Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers   Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers EmptySat Jan 02, 2010 6:03 pm

We have all seen it, maybe we are guilty of it but when viewing adventure game forums around the Internet most of the discussion revolves around what the gamer dislikes about a game rather than dwelling on what they do like.

A typical response might be " I really liked the game...but" then they go into every detail of what they don't like prompting others to chime in with their dislikes and the ball rolls on.

Are there any annoying or funny quotes you can recall from adventure gamers while browsing the Net? My favorite,which I see often, goes something like this...

The gamer explains how much they loved the game and how even though they had to follow a walkthrough a lot, they still thought it to be a great game. They then end the thought with "But" my only complaint is that the game is too short. scratch

Without mentioning any names, can you recall any?

Last edited by GreyFuss on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers   Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers EmptySat Jan 02, 2010 6:22 pm

I read a post by someone who said they loved the game the story was great the puzzles easy to slove and the characters believable. They ended by saying they had to use a walkthrough to solve the puzzles, that they wished the characaters were more developed and that there wasn't much of a story line. Huh?? scratch

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Funny Complaints by Adventure Gamers
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