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 The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists!

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! Empty
PostSubject: The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists!   The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! EmptyTue Oct 25, 2011 8:45 am

I thought I'd tell you about the new AGS-based MI fanproject which takes place between MI2 and MI3, about the said Carnival of the Damned (aka Big Whoop), explaining how Guybrush wound up sailing in the red bumper car in the middle of the Caribbean. The art style is going to be similar to CMI, and the game will be divided in three episodes. The list of characters includes:
- Guybrush (of course)
- LeChuck
- Skeletal Pirates
- Largo (he's finally going to make a comeback)
- The Voodoo Lady
- Fettuccine Brothers
- Herman Toothrot (maybe)
- Cannibals (maybe)
- Pirate Bar Patron(s)
- Clown with a strong New Yorker accent
- Chuckie
- Guybrush as a child
- Elaine as a child
- Old man Guybrush
- John Decringe (a reference to Joseph Decreaux and Desinge)
- Winslow
- Stan
and more, and more! You can read the rest here:

The project is currently looking for some background artists, the only available screenshot for now:
The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! B386519478319

And a couple of other BG's, created by the same artist for a different project:
The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! 1aa945c66df85eed40c153e5eb9a78f418978930
The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! Bcde328b41c57145d8babf7cf0a1b63918978934
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists!   The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! EmptyWed Oct 26, 2011 7:46 am

looks very promising and interesting! I hope that it will make the way to the end sooner or later! Very Happy
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Daredevil Pioneer

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The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists!   The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! EmptyThu Oct 27, 2011 5:15 am

Well you are looking for artists around 10000000000% more talented then me. What a Face

Those screens look awesome! Good luck on your project!
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The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists!   The Carnival of Monkey Island: fanproject needs background artists! Empty

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