Amber's Blood the eighth game in the Carol Reed series is due to be released in Feb 2012.
The game is mouse driven and features a classic adventure game interface.
You do not have to have played the previous Carol Reed games in order to play Amber's Blood. The game starts with an interactive tutorial which explains how to play the game. The game features a hint system which you can consult any time.
The game takes place in Sweden but is in English and has optional subtitles.
You can save or load your game at any time. There are 100 save slots. There is no graphic violence, strong language or action sequences. You can't die
Minimum requirements:
Pentium 1000 or higher
128 MB RAM
16 MB video card
800 MB hard drive space
Windows 98, XP, Vista or 7
The Story :
Carol's longtime friend Stina is going through her deceased father's belongings and finds her grandfather's obituary. According to it, Stina's grandfather died much later than she had been led to believe.
When Stina falls from a chair spraining her ankle she asks Carol to look into the matter of the dates in the obituary. Carol's investigations soon reveal that there is much more to Stina's suspicions than a misprint in an obituary and that Stina's family history is darker and more twisted than either Carol or Stina could ever have imagined.
Demo coming soon.