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 What a wonderful life .... If only I had been a genius game designer too!

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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What a wonderful life .... If only I had been a genius game designer too! Empty
PostSubject: What a wonderful life .... If only I had been a genius game designer too!   What a wonderful life .... If only I had been a genius game designer too! EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 4:23 pm

I discovered this today. It's Ken and Roberta's weblog of THEIR adventures, and it's a beautiful little website.

The photographs are truly stunning, and I especially like the Google map feature, where you can zoom right in and see exactly where they were located when Ken last edited the blog. It's updated regularly and you can read about the books that Ken Williams has written ... and is still writing. It's the nicest little Ken and Roberta Williams website I've stumbled upon, and it's not a fan site, but the up-to-date real thing. It's, actually, an annex of their SierraGamers website.

They look very happy, and that's fitting really considering they've brought so much happiness to so many of us over the years.

Take a look.

Here; Ken and Roberta's weblog

Gelert. flower
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What a wonderful life .... If only I had been a genius game designer too!
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