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 Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost Empty
PostSubject: Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost   Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost EmptyWed Mar 28, 2012 2:05 am


Thank you to Gelert for inviting me!

We are very close to making a big announcement about Asylum of The Lost, the 4th in the Delaware St. John series!

Until we make the announcement you can visit us online at or do us a great favor and give our Delaware St. John facebook page a like!

.......................... And HERE they are ! Very Happy


On Facebook

Thank you for inviting me to your great website. I hope you will be as excited for this news as I am Smile

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost   Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost EmptyWed Mar 28, 2012 4:07 am

Hi Bryan and welcome to Adventure Point it's great to see you here Smile

I am very excited about Asylum for the Lost and really looking forward to the coming announcement. I love the Delaware St John games Very Happy

Please keep coming bt and letting us know how things are going Smile

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost   Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost EmptyWed Mar 28, 2012 6:57 am

Hello Brian!

This is awsome news! The Delaware St.John games are very nice and I am happy to see that also the fourth one will be published. There were rumors from time to time, that it was cancelled but it's good to know that they were mistaken! Very Happy
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost   Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost EmptyWed Mar 28, 2012 4:35 pm

Links added Bryan. :-D
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Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost   Delaware St. John 4: Asylum of The Lost Empty

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