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 $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 6:37 pm

Hey Everyone,

While I knew it was going to be against great odds to try and raise a decent budget to do the next Delaware game, I can admit I didn't anticipate a lot of the desires of the community.

As a result, I've restructured the rewards for pledges to be more inviting for people who have not yet played any of the previous games and those who prefer a physical copy of a game.

With a $50 pledge you will receive a digital copy of all three original games remastered (sharper graphics and video) as well as a special boxed disc version of "Asylum of The Lost". Also included is a digital copy of "Asylum of The Lost" and a digital copy of the soundtrack as well!

I appreciate the support we've received so far but we definitely need more if we're going to make this happen!

Please visit here and consider a donation:

Thank you!

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 11:25 pm

Thanks for letting us know Bryan. The rewards look good and will hopefully bring many pledges.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptySun Apr 08, 2012 3:26 am

I'm a bit confused after reading the other thread. Does the $25 or $50 donation come with a boxed version of the game including only a blank dvd or a dvd of the game? I'd consider digital download as a last resort but would much rather own the game as a dvd with box given the chance, much like I purchased the other Delaware games.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptySun Apr 08, 2012 4:07 pm

lakerz after getting some feedback about the rewards (the blank cd) Bryan redid the rewards. I think as it stands now a $25 pledge will get a copy of Asylum of the Lost. A $50 pledge will get you a boxed version of the game.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 7:46 am

Thank you, so $25 gets a cd-rom in sleeve or JC while $50 gets you a boxed version. Either order also entitles one to the digital download of the new game. I think that sums it up?

In any case, this kickstarter has opened up a unique way to fund games these days. I normally don't "pre-order", but I may have to change my ways to support the adventure game developers.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptyWed Apr 11, 2012 8:31 pm

That sums it up lakerz Smile

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 7:58 pm

Bryan hi. I want to assure you that here at Adventure Point we welcome all of your posts, announcements, news and updates or just chat. We love to hear from our indies. Very Happy

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Daredevil Pioneer

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! EmptySun Apr 22, 2012 7:05 am

Well, I'm in for $50 and hope the project gets fully funded. I'd love to see an expanded budget Delaware St. John game! Getting to play hi-res versions of the previous games is a nice addition also. Very Happy
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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty
PostSubject: Re: $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!   $50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more! Empty

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$50 Pledge for Delaware gets you 4 games and more!
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