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 Dark Fall Lost Souls

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty
PostSubject: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls EmptyMon Jan 18, 2010 3:05 am

The new stand alone horror adventure game by Jonathan Boakes. Once again we find ourseleves in The Train Station and Hotel at Dowerton. This we are playing as the Inspector who investigated the disappearance of Amy Haven five years earlier. Immediatly it is apparent that time has not been kind to the Train Station and Hotel of Dowerton. You are surrouned by the eerie deterioration of abadonment and despair. The air is filled with an unseen evil and the uneasy feeling of that evil watching and waiting.

The search for Amy begins in the train tunnel and progresses to the platforms, the Train Station and back alley. Other areas on the game will open up as you solve puzzles. The puzzles are fairly easy to solve but need to be done precisly. Many of the puzzles involve numbers. These are random so it is best to write numbers down when you find them. There does seem to be a bug in the game. This involves the dial lock code on the Staff Room door. The code given for this puzzle works for some while not working for others. A game save seems to be the only way around this problem. The only other glitch I found was the train switch puzzle where I had to use a different code than the one given. There have been other reported glitches but I found none but the two in my gameplay. While most of the puzzles are random there is one timed puzzle that will result in dying if not completed in time. The game does return you back to the point before dying for another attempt.

Movement within the game is forward, look up, look down, look left to right with 360 degree view. Transitioning from one screen to the next screen was often slow and at times presented you with a black screen while transition took place. This didn't take more than a few seconds at most. And for me at least wasn't problematic. At times you need to grab and drag certain objects.This movement is somewhat akward taking a grab, hold drag movement. With practice it can be done with little difficulty. You have more than enough saves and can over write saves. I would suggest saving often and especially save before doing a puzzle. You have the option to play in easy or hard mode. Graphically this was a beautiful game. The sounds gave the game an eerie quality in an already disturbing atmosphere. The game is played from the 1st person perspective. Point and click mouse control. I had no trouble installing the game. The game disc does need to be in the drive in order to play.

I played the game on win XP

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Mystery Lover
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Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls EmptyMon Jan 18, 2010 2:33 pm

Thanks for the info hatshepsut!! I was just asking about this game. You never mentioned your opinion... did you like it?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls EmptyMon Jan 18, 2010 9:04 pm

Mystery Lover you are welcome. Yes I enjoyed Lost Souls very much.

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Mystery Lover
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Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls EmptyTue Jan 19, 2010 12:46 am

Okay then, I will buy it! Save that saved game for me, the one you mentioned we may need....
Is it as scary as the other 2? I loved it when the faces from the pictures turned their heads to look at you as you passed by! Creepy, but awesome!
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls EmptyTue Jan 19, 2010 1:13 am

Mystery Lover I will keep my saves. In some ways I thought it was scarier. I had several moments of hair standing on end. One very chilling moment after completing a puzzle. I remember the picture you are talking about. I was playing late at night when I came to that part. I sat there for at least 15 minutes not able to move and barely able to breath.

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls EmptyTue Feb 23, 2010 5:39 pm

This game review, and others like it, so meticulously crafted by one of our dedicated members here, is presented in its deservedly elegant format .... here;

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PostSubject: Re: Dark Fall Lost Souls   Dark Fall Lost Souls Empty

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