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 Haunting at Cliffhouse by Ghostlady

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Haunting at Cliffhouse  by Ghostlady Empty
PostSubject: Haunting at Cliffhouse by Ghostlady   Haunting at Cliffhouse  by Ghostlady EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 3:17 am

Currently in development Haunting at Cliffhouse by Ghostlady over at Mystery Manor. Haunting at Cliffgouse is the third adventure/horror game to be developed by Ghostlady. Haunting at Cliffhouse will hopefully be finished and released in the next few months.

The story:
You play as Sarah, a recent widow who has received a mysterious brochure for a B&B called Cliffhouse on the coast of Washington State, where some of the most dangerous and evil waters exist. In Sarah's grief and despair she decides to get away from it all and drives to the B&B. She arrives early morning.
She enters the house and meets numerous characters, the owners and the visitors.
As Sarah explores the house, she begins to unveil a dark and mysterious story of the people who originally owned the house in the 1800's, the sea captain and his wife. Sarah also thinks she hears music playing at night and sees ghostly images in mirrors.
The lighting in the above image is for early morning. Here is the night version:
The story is about the house and the original owners. How it came be built, the tragic events of the people who lived there and the spirits who still inhabit the house. The cross over from present to past. Through flashbacks, the player learns secrets and yet is protected by events happening in the present, since someone or something is trying to scare the player away.

Haunting at Cliffhouse  by Ghostlady 4_housemorning

Haunting at Cliffhouse  by Ghostlady 4_housedark

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Haunting at Cliffhouse  by Ghostlady Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haunting at Cliffhouse by Ghostlady   Haunting at Cliffhouse  by Ghostlady EmptyTue Jun 26, 2012 11:10 am

It looks very interesting. I like this type of Adventure games very much! Smile
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Haunting at Cliffhouse by Ghostlady
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