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Wanderer's Apprentice

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RHEM 4 Empty
PostSubject: RHEM 4   RHEM 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 2:31 pm

I've prided myself on NOT using walkthroughs for the RHEM games and so far that policy has served me well - I've got through 1, 2 and 3 without taking a peek at any hints. I've spent hours, days, weeks on the game but there are a few puzzles I just can't get anywhere on.

That's why RHEM 4 confuses me - so many of the puzzles don't seem to make sense which makes me wonder if there is any logic there at all. That didn't happen in the previous games. Here are the puzzles -
1. The musical notes puzzle - I've worked out which portraits play which songs, and using the musical machine, which number corresponds to which button. But the pushing the buttons in that order don't open the door. I've tried working backwards too but that didn't do it. It seems obvious that this is the solution but it looks like that's not the answer.
2. The area with the rocks - there doesn't seem to be any clue on what to do in this area. Or if there is, I haven't found it and I've searched high and low, behind doors and trapdoors.
3. The traffic light puzzle - Probably a minor puzzle since I think it opens a hatch containing a fragment, but I don't see any way to solve it. Maybe the previous puzzles I'm stuck on contain the clues for it.

Keep in mind that I don't want hints or a solution right now, just a discussion. Did other people have this problem or is my brain simply taking a holiday? Should i betray my principles and go to a walkthrough, or if I keep persisting will I eventually solve these puzzles? What happened to you when you played the game? Were these puzzles easy or hard? Is it possible my game has a bug? Is the solution staring me right in the face? scratch

Thanks all Wink
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RHEM 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RHEM 4   RHEM 4 EmptyWed Sep 05, 2012 8:44 pm

Hi Maquis, I haven't played any of the Rhem games but we have several Rhem fans here, I'm sure they will be along sometime.

I think that several people had trouble with the puzzles you are talking about.

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