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 Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle Empty
PostSubject: Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle   Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle EmptyTue Mar 29, 2011 8:03 pm


ok - I've tried this 5-6 times, and I can't seem to do the 'add up t he 3 circles' and input them to the numbers panel before the hands move. I did happen to write down an approximation of the positions of all numbers in the circle. That helps a bunch, but not enough cause I'm too slow I guess! So any suggestions for help would be appreciated.

Wanted to add that I finally figured it out - watching the hands - took a print screen of the clock after i pulled the chain to get a set of numbers that was easier to deal with (i.e. add up) then when it clicked on something that was fast I entered it and now I'm past that point.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle   Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle EmptyThu Mar 31, 2011 10:32 am

Hi Goldish

This puzzle is a bit tricky if I remember correctly. You have to figure out each hands movements (they each move a different amount of spaces) then time it ahead of time
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Rhem 4: The 3 hands clock puzzle
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