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 Simon the Sorcerer for Android devices

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Mr. Bill
Wanderer's Apprentice
Mr. Bill

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Simon the Sorcerer for Android devices Empty
PostSubject: Simon the Sorcerer for Android devices   Simon the Sorcerer for Android devices EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 2:59 pm

Hi Dear Friends,

I was recently contacted by a developer of an app for Simon the Sorcerer (first game) wanting me to try it. All I had is a KindleFire HD which I didn't even know was an android type. I am apparently being dragged into the 21st century (kicking and screaming) whether I want to or not. I'm still trying to stay in the Nineteenth Century or is it 20th??

Anyway, Mojo Touch was given rights from AdventureSoft to develop game for Android. I am nearly finished with it and it is graphically and musically advanced. This is the talkie version. It is designed for touch screen play even though it has classic play (mouse cursor) option (I could not use this option.) Haven't a clue why.

It played well after I learned how to get Simon around (light tap on screen where you want Simon to go - especially through doorways). Use medium graphics mode under settings and original music (Midi) to play faster and smoother.

Avalable at Amazon and GooglePlay. Is also available for apple devices I-phone and I-pod.

Can you tell me what other adventure games will play on my KIndle Fire HD.

Thank you and enjoy Simon the Sorcerer.

Mr. Bill
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