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 Calling all Apple iPad users ...

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Calling all Apple iPad users ... Empty
PostSubject: Calling all Apple iPad users ...   Calling all Apple iPad users ... EmptySun Dec 29, 2013 8:53 pm

Back in July, I bought an iPad at Amazon and had problems trying to connect to wi-fi. If you want, you can see a thread in the technical help forum. Anyway, I got discouraged since I wasn't making any progress and gave up. Lately, I got tired of seeing the iPad taking up space on my desk and thinking of getting rid of it, when Tom said he wanted it. Okay, fine with me. Now, as it turns out, he is also having problems with making the wi-fi connection. What is it that we are missing? How hard can it be?
I would like to know some of your experiences with the iPad when you first got it, and any later ones also. Whatever you think might be interesting or helpful or whatever!
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Calling all Apple iPad users ... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Calling all Apple iPad users ...   Calling all Apple iPad users ... EmptyThu Jan 02, 2014 8:19 pm

Hmm ...  scratch 
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Calling all Apple iPad users ... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Calling all Apple iPad users ...   Calling all Apple iPad users ... EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 4:21 pm

mindysue I don't have an ipad so I'm kind of at a loss about why yours won't  connect to the internet. I have a new laptop though that wouldn't connect to the internet. I finally took it to the geeks who said the airplane mode button was stuck on. They unstuck it and It's connected to the internet now. I don't know if that is any help to you but I do know how frustrating it can be trying to get a computer to work.

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Calling all Apple iPad users ... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Calling all Apple iPad users ...   Calling all Apple iPad users ... Empty

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