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 Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller Empty
PostSubject: Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller   Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller EmptyThu Oct 02, 2014 3:02 pm

Bill Tiller is starting a new project, which would be sort of a Monkey Island spinoff, but with a twist. The main character is a brutish pirate who must convince his crew he can become captain by winning the love of three women. You can check out this interview for details:

Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller Bill-tiller-interview-fp2__big

By the way, there are only four days left at the Kickstarter campaign:
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller   Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller EmptyThu Oct 02, 2014 8:34 pm

Thanks for letting us know AdventFan.

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller   Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller EmptyThu Oct 02, 2014 10:12 pm

Looks like the KickStarter is going to be really close.

I always like seeing a master craftsman at work, Bill Tiller's drawings are amazing.
and the promo-video is really funny. Let's face it, all amateur developers imitate these professionals (only not as good).
I'm sure I'll have loads of fun, when I play it.

Thanks again AdventFan, for letting us see how the real pros do it.
p.s. his older tutorials on color selection are also good.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller   Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 1:08 am

Whew, that kickstarter goal for Duke Grabowski just made it in the last hour. I'm happy to see it get funded, it looks quite nice.
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Duke Grabowski: a new adventure game by Bill Tiller
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