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 Once In A Blue Moon

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2 posters
StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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Once In A Blue Moon Empty
PostSubject: Once In A Blue Moon   Once In A Blue Moon EmptyWed Jul 29, 2015 11:22 pm

Comes July 31st. Hopefully we'll have a clean night for it this time. I'm going to see if we can get a picture of it. Our cameras are not the greatest, but maybe Gelert can give us a treat. We have a great set of binoculars though so if we're lucky we'll get a glimpse, let us know if you do too sunny
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Once In A Blue Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Once In A Blue Moon   Once In A Blue Moon EmptyThu Jul 30, 2015 3:04 am

I hope we can see that. I saw a harvest moon a few years ago and it was beautiful.

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StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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Once In A Blue Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Once In A Blue Moon   Once In A Blue Moon EmptyThu Jul 30, 2015 2:23 pm

I hope we get to see it too, we missed out on the Star of Bethlehem, although it was impressive to see Venus and Jupiter so close to us. I've been watching some videos on YouTube about Ceres and Pluto so I watch the skies now. There's this fascinating UFO video on there about a landing in Germany and if this video is fake, then these guys should pack a grip and head to Hollywood. Well I'm off for my brekkie again, so take care and have a great day sunny
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PostSubject: Re: Once In A Blue Moon   Once In A Blue Moon Empty

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