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 Carol Reed Blue Madonna

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

Posts : 3922
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Join date : 2009-12-13

Carol Reed Blue Madonna Empty
PostSubject: Carol Reed Blue Madonna   Carol Reed Blue Madonna EmptyFri Nov 26, 2010 5:30 pm

Blue Madonna the latest game in the Carol Reed series now in development expected to release before Christmas 2010.

The Story:

Did the artist Christina Falk really kill herself ? If so, why did she phone Carol the day before her death, wanting to hire her ? And was it really Christina that called Carol ?
With a dead client, Carol doesn't even have a case. And with little information, she doesn't have any clues either.
But the last thing that Christina did was to ask for Carol's help, so Carol figures that the least she can do is look into it.
And when she uncovers several curious circumstances leading up to Christina's death, Carol just can't let it go.

Blue Madonna is 100% mouse driven and features a classic adventure game interface.
The game begins with an interactive tutorial which explains game play.
The game features a hint system which you can consult any time.
The game takes place in Sweden but is in English. All dialog has optional subtitles. You can save or load your game any time with 100 save slots.
The game contains no graphic violence, action scenes or strong language.
You can not die in the game.

Minimum requirements: Pentium 1000 or higher, 128 MB RAM
16 MB video card
800 MB hard drive space
Windows 98, XP, Vista or 7

Demo to be released soon.

Gallery pictures can be found on the website

Carol Reed Blue Madonna Screen03bluemadonna
Carol Reed Blue Madonna Screen21bluemadonna
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