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 Moon Base: Orion in Development

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Moon Base: Orion in Development Empty
PostSubject: Moon Base: Orion in Development   Moon Base: Orion in Development EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 12:07 am

Red Talon Games is proud to announce they are in development of their first adventure game titled 'Moon Base: Orion'. Best described as a Tragic Space Comedy, we hope to have it ready for release later this year.

In space no one can see you screw up royally.

Space Janitor Rad Tunever finds his vacation unceremoniously cut short when his shuttle receives a mysterious distress call from the far - flung Moon Base: Orion. Only the curious phrase'...robots rebelling...' could be deciphered before being abruptly cut off. Myopic by nature and armed only with sarcasms, Rad is the most unlikely of heroes. Will he be able to find the resolve within himself to defeat a threat of galactic proportions and rescue the base inhabitants before they ask him to just leave ?

No. No he can't.

Developer: Red Talon Games
Publisher: Red Talon Games
Release Date: Q 4 - 2010
Platform: PC
Perspective: 3rd person
Presentation: 2D or 2.5D
Control: Point and Click
Theme: Comedy/ Science Fiction
Gameplay: Quest
Graphics Style: Stylized Art
Media: Internet Download

Moon Base: Orion in Development Orion-rocketship-800

Moon Base: Orion in Development Orion-drillsite-800
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