Rules of Conduct Specific to Adventure Point Forums
These forums are dedicated to Adventure games of all kinds. That means commercial graphic Adventures, independently produced Adventures, freeware Adventures, amateur Adventures, text Adventures and any other type I've forgotten to mention. There's a main Adventure discussion forum, but there's also a forum for games in other genres, and even one for text Adventures and general non-game talk.
Please follow the simple rules laid out below and everyone should be happy.
1. No 'crude or vulgar words'. This means no swearing. The forums are open to visitors of all ages, so please remember that when posting.
2. Please remember that you are solely responsible for everything you submit to the Adventure Point forums. Any messages or threads deemed inappropriate, and/or involving gratuitous flaming or spamming, may be deleted without warning. Do not 'flame', or 'attack', other people. Challenging someone's viewpoint is one thing, but any sort of abuse cannot be tolerated and, as a minimum, offensive posts will be deleted. People of all nationalities, ages and educational levels may visit this forum, and forum participants must treat each other with dignity and respect. Passionate debate is certainly welcome, but messages which descend to personal insults, name-calling or other abuse will be deleted without forewarning if this is thought necessary. Participants who routinely abuse other members will be warned, but failure to change behavior will result in loss of all posting privileges. For reporting posts that are inflammatory, slanderous, or violate forum rules, please contact Adventure Point staff to draw it to our attention.
3. Please avoid posting 'off-topic', especially if this threatens to derail a thread. This can cause confusion and annoyance in threads. Really, just use your common sense. If you're thinking of starting a new topic, you are encouraged to use the Search feature to check if there's an existing thread on that topic already. When creating a new thread, use descriptive subject lines, and be sure to post it in the appropriate forum. If you're not sure where your thread subject belongs, post it and we will move it, if necessary.
4. No ALL CAPITAL letter postings please; and no all bold either. All capitals signifies shouting and all bold is just hard on the eyes. Just keep it all lower case and simple, and only exaggerate the bits that need exaggerating.
5. Don't include extracts from other sites, especially forums - please try to keep it legal. If it must be included, just include a link to the webpage. If you do wish to link directly to content on another adventure game website, you may, but please use the opportunity to generate an actual discussion on these forums at the same time. Quote a section of the article in mind, if you wish, but use it to generate constructive discussion.
6. Adventure Point will invoke a zero tolerance policy on pirated software. Any messages soliciting or promoting warez will be immediately deleted and posting privileges will be revoked. Please do not post links to so-called 'abandonware' as, although we acknowledge that the preservation of games is important, especially those that have gone out of print, the legal situation concerning such games is not entirely clear, and Adventure Point prefers not to meddle in such matters. Spam, viral marketing or seeding are not welcomed on our forums. These kinds of messages will be deleted, and their posters will be immediately banned without notice.
7. Promotional messages are allowed provided they're not annoying or insulting. Let fellow posters know of your website or amateur adventure game without overdoing the self-promotion bit. Again .... common sense please. If you want to promote a commercial adventure game on our forums, please contact us first, via private Email.
8. Selling, or trading, games is allowed (for the moment). We will trial this and see how it goes. Selling and trading must be of legal copies of games; no copies. Please note, however, that Adventure Point is not responsible for trades or purchases that go wrong for any reason, and is not responsible for the sale and trade of items that contravene the rules stipulated here. It's your responsibility to work out the terms of the trade, or sale. Threads started for this purpose should be posted in Game Trading Centre.
9. Please avoid posting, in the text portion of your message, personal, or sensitive, information, such as Email addresses, any personal, or family details, your specific workplace information, your postal address and telephone number, etc.. When you join to post, create your own username to help identify yourself to others. Adventure Point cannot be held responsible if you choose to divulge personal information to others on the forums.
10. By posting messages, you agree that Adventure Point may use this content, excluding any personal or sensitive information, in the website, or in any publications regarding the website or it's reporters. If you do not agree, please do not post.
Breaking the rules may result in your account being suspended for 1 month. More serious offences, such as threats, may be reported to the relevant authorities to prevent physical or mental abuse. Sorry to be so harsh, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Posting on these forums implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
1). Participants shall not post any material that is likely to cause offence, protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right - without the express permission of the owner of such copyright - or that contains personal contact information, phone numbers or addresses.
2). Participants may not use the forums to post or transmit
3). The forum Administrators and Moderators have the right to edit, censor, delete or otherwise modify any posted message, and without warning, as deemed fit.
4). This web site does not verify or guarantee the accuracy of the material posted to the forums or bear any responsibility for any loss, damage, or other liabilities caused by any posted message.
Finally, please enjoy all of the discussions. By applying common sense, and leading by example we should all become part an environment of friendship and learning and, most importantly . . . FUN!