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 would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?

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Daredevil Pioneer

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptyFri Jan 07, 2011 4:39 am

Pointers, I'd like to pre-order Bracken Tor right now, but I forgot if I have to pay for it now up front, or pay for it when Dave gets them imported - don't want to wait and run the risk of them being all gone if I wait until March. Thing is, I'd like to pre-order now to guarantee my getting a copy, but I don't want to have to pay until March. What do I do in this case?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptyFri Jan 07, 2011 4:50 am


If you have a Credit Card on file at Interact you are not charged for a pre-order until the game ships. However I am not sure about other methods of payments. Of course if you are going to pay with cash or check you will probably have to send that in and pay now to reserve you a copy. I have heard if you use PayPal, PayPal charges you now but you shouldn't be asking us, why aren't you emailing Dave? He is always willing to answer any questions.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptyFri Jan 07, 2011 5:21 am

Thanks, GF. I just emailed Dave with my question.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 2:30 pm


For the benefit of others that have the same questions as you...what was Interacts reply?
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Daredevil Pioneer

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 3:18 pm

GreyFuss wrote:

For the benefit of others that have the same questions as you...what was Interacts reply?

They never replied to my questions. Even when I emailed them with a list of my AG's for sale a month or so ago, they never responded to me. I wonder if I accidentally offended them somehow, or what? Has Dave written me off and forgotten about me or refuses to deal with me?
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Speculative Fortune-Hunter

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 4:31 pm

Why not just call him up on the phone to inquire as he does have a toll free number.

I spoke with him a few days ago regarding the Carol Reed games and he sounded like a really cool guy. Cool
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 5:48 pm

Thanks for the reminder Camaro. Dave is a very nice guy.

Alien I do not understand why you think Dave would refuse to deal with just because you asked him some questions. He is very helpful and easy to get along with.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 6:35 pm

I too have spoken with Dave on the phone. He is a very nice guy indeed. Smile
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Daredevil Pioneer

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 7:53 pm

I just checked my gmail's sent box but I didn't see a automated reply from interact from the past 5 -6 months, so perhaps I thought I sent them such a list of games to sell, but I must of forgot that I backed out of that page before submitting the list. So I gave Dave a new list of games to sell, and this time I got an automated reply. Now I have to wait until Dave emails me with the prices (if he does/if he wants these games, that is).

Or perhaps I did submit such a list 3 - 4 months ago, but mistakenly clicked "Sell my DVD's" by instead of "Sell my games" button, and perhaps that's why Dave never gave me a price quote?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
PostSubject: Re: would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's?   would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 11:50 pm


It is unfair to Dave to question in a public forum his not answering an email that you didn't send.

Most of us here and in the gaming community know that Dave is a very nice guy who goes out of his way to get us adventure games. His integrity is spotless. Dave is truly the adventure gamers best friend.

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would like to pre-order Bracken Tor, but - Q's? Empty
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