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 Prominence Releasing in 2010

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Prominence Releasing in 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Prominence Releasing in 2010   Prominence Releasing in 2010 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2009 10:16 pm

Recent Newsletter from the developers of Prominence:

Quote :
Hello, and happy holidays! Digital Media Workshop, Inc. and Prominence headquarters were recently inundated with two feet (just over 60cm) of snow courtesy of Mother Nature's blizzard of 2009. We’re still digging our way out, but we wanted to send this latest newsletter to you before the end of the year to wish you the happiest of holidays (and to let you know that we're still very much alive and working)!

Production Update
Prominence is almost fully playable and we're looking forward to releasing in 2010. Recent months have seen some exciting developments!

- First, we've added widescreen support to the game. In fact, Prominence now supports both regular and widescreen aspect ratios, so whether you're running an old-school CRT, a regular or widescreen LCD, or a laptop, the game should look great!

- About 70% of the sound effects have been completed. Doors now whoosh nicely when opening, computer systems beep and chirp, and aliens snarl viciously before jumping on your face. Okay, maybe not that last one.

- The game has two endings. We nailed down the first ending and said, "This is nice and solid. Let's see if we can do as well with ending number two." Sure enough, we did. In fact, we were so happy with ending number two that we'll be going back to the first ending to give it some extra love.

- The last of the environments have been designed. Well, almost. They were all done, but one of them just isn't meeting expectations and will need to be replaced.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Prominence Releasing in 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prominence Releasing in 2010   Prominence Releasing in 2010 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2009 10:36 pm

Thanks for the update GreyFuss. Prominence looks like a very promising game. I am anticipating it's release.

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Prominence Releasing in 2010
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