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 How do you navigate an adventure game?

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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How do you navigate an adventure game? Empty
PostSubject: How do you navigate an adventure game?   How do you navigate an adventure game? EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 10:28 pm

Do you have a certain way that you navigate around an adventure game world? Do you do certain things all the time in order to observe you surrounds? How about a sure fire way to approach a certain conundrum you face? For example for me I always investigate a new area by going left. Whether it be a new room, age or maze I always explore to the left. No matter if I see something interesting or what I want or need to the center or left I will always go left and make my way around. This way I always know what I have covered and what it left to visit.

How about you? Have any tricks or tendencies that have worked for you to share?
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Lady Kestrel
Daredevil Pioneer
Lady Kestrel

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How do you navigate an adventure game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you navigate an adventure game?   How do you navigate an adventure game? EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 10:50 pm

I always do as much as I can where I am, then I'll proceed to the next closest room or area. If it looks like the direction I choose will take me much farther afield, I'll make my way back and try another way first. Also, if it's a first person game, I always turn around to get familiar with the view in the opposite direction. (I do this in real life, too, say when I'll have to make my way back to my car in an unfamiliar or very large parking lot.)
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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How do you navigate an adventure game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you navigate an adventure game?   How do you navigate an adventure game? EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 10:50 pm

I start by looking at the scene for a few minutes. Then I start at the right top corner going all around the scene clicking on everything and investigating everything I can. If it's a puzzle I save before I do anything.


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Daredevil Pioneer

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How do you navigate an adventure game? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you navigate an adventure game?   How do you navigate an adventure game? EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 2:19 am

I guess I'm not much different from other adventure gamers. I'll explore each screen carefully at first, usually starting at the upper left and moving clockwise in a circle. That is, unless something really interesting is going on which distracts me, hehe. I'll try to explore the dead ends first before moving on to the rooms which lead to other rooms, etc.
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How do you navigate an adventure game? Empty
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How do you navigate an adventure game?
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