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 Adventure games in which you play as a killer

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptySun May 08, 2011 5:29 pm

Sence Lucius is comming out soon, I was wondering if there are more games in which you take a role of a killer?
The main character doesn't necessaraly have to be killing in the game (as sweet little Lucius) but can also be chased and prosecuted for his crime (doesn't have to be murder as long as it has somekind of Crime and Punishment storyline)
The game doesn't have to be a horror game, it's good enough if it's a dark thriller

Also I would like to know more games like And then there where none, were the characters get killed one by one.

Now, this question is mainly for hatshepsut Very Happy , but anyone else can give me their recommendations
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptySun May 08, 2011 8:00 pm

Well these games come to mind:

Phantasmagoria: Pray it's Only a Nightmare (horror)
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of the Flesh (horror)
Black Mirror (horror)
Post Mortem ( very dark)
Still Life (very dark)
Jack the Ripper (very dark)
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (horror)
Overclocked: A history of Violence (very dark)
The Gabriel Knight series

For a few horror games that are more psychological horror these come to mind:

Barrow Hill
All the Dark Fall games
Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loth Nolder
The Delaware St John series
Scratches (probably the scariest horror game that I have played and has a beautiful soundtrack)

At the moment the only horror games I can think of where you are the supposed killer or pursued as such are:

Black Mirror
Black Mirror II
Black Mirror III

For some really good short free indie horror games I would highly recommend the Trilby series by yahtzee.

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptySat May 14, 2011 5:33 pm

I can't think of any adventure games off the top of my head where you actually "play the killer". It seems like there was one or two but I will have to give it more thought.
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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyTue May 17, 2011 11:44 pm

GreyFuss wrote:
I can't think of any adventure games off the top of my head where you actually "play the killer". It seems like there was one or two but I will have to give it more thought.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyWed May 18, 2011 12:57 am

I have never been convinced that Samuel really was the killer in Black Mirror.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 1:43 pm

hatshepsut wrote:
I have never been convinced that Samuel really was the killer in Black Mirror.

Me neither. I thought he was the "out of state/country" college kid returning home to something bad that happened at home (aww, now I'm starting to emphiathize (sp)? with Samuel) and now he has to find out the truth about what happened?

And by the third Black Mirror since no one either knows who done it, or no one believes Samuel, the cops think he did it (since he has hanging around the Black Mirror castle snooping around) and they arrest him?

So could you say that in all three of the Black Mirror games, you're not really the killer, but you're the (although this is likely false) prime suspect?
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyTue Jun 14, 2011 11:55 pm

People - I was asking some questions about a game here (please see my post above this one) but no one answered them. I'm wondering why no one replied to my questions about Sam in the Black Mirror series??? scratch
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Opportunist Explorer

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 4:50 am

Back to the topic of the thread,
I guess there are only two games where you could be playing the actual killer,
Black Mirror and Phantasmagoria 2.
I haven't actually played Phantasmagoria 2, but from what I can tell by reading reviews, you play a disturbed individual who might very well be a killer.

Like Grayfuss says, it seems like there should be more but I'm not remembering any. If you want a game where you are on the run from the law, there are probably a few others -- at least for part of the game.

AlienBZ wrote:
People - I was asking some questions about a game here (please see my post above this one) but no one answered them. I'm wondering why no one replied to my questions about Sam in the Black Mirror series???
Maybe because most of us don't want to hijack SweetDalilah's thread. Black Mirror was published 8 years ago, and there have been plenty of discussions on whether Samuel was the killer or not.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 5:09 am

Phantasmagoria 2: the character you play isn't a killer. However Phantasmagoria: Prey it's Only a Nightmare even though you don't play the killer

Black Mirror and Samuel

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Enter The Story
Wanderer's Apprentice
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Adventure games in which you play as a killer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure games in which you play as a killer   Adventure games in which you play as a killer EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 4:24 pm

Funny you mention that. Smile I'm just starting the design for my next game, The Picture of Dorian Gray (you heard it here first!). I haven't decided yet, but you will probably play as Dorian, as he starts off as a very sympathetic and likeable character. Later on of course things change, and one or two people die...

As for games where everyone gets killed off, The Count of Monte Cristo is about a guy who takes revenge and each time he destroys someone he counts them off: "One." "Two." etc. The book is probably the first and most famous example. He doesn't actually kill everyone, but he maneuvres enemies into situations where fate takes its course, usually in fatal ways.
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