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 The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav   The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 11:22 pm

The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav coming from Deep Silver and Daedalic Entertainment

Thirteen years ago...
in the town of Andergast a dark prophet was burned at the stake at the place of execution.
Nobody knew his true name. He had come from the woods and spoke his dark prophecies only to disappear again. The people revered him as the "the Seer". It was said that he might have been a druid, a sorcerer, a being from the fairy folk or even an all-knowing demigod. Time and time again the Seer predicted disaster would come to Andergast and, indeed, disaster did come. Nobody knew the real reason why the King of Andergast had the Seer executed. Some say the Seer himself had cursed the whole kingdom of Andergast.
A poor raven-haired child was watching the execution. As the procession with the disgraced convict passed by, the boy met the eyes of the Seer and with his last words the doomed prophet predicted a dark future for the boy. The stake was lit for the flames to consume the body of the Seer.
The black haired child Geron grew up to be a gifted trapper. But since that fateful day of the execution he couldn't escape the words of the Seer as the people of Andergast where eying him with suspicion ever since. Feeding their suspicions everything in Geron's presence seemed to break or disappear mysteriously. Thus Geron was called a bringer of bad luck and a witches' brat.
As our story begins, young Geron works as a trapper and has a lot of trouble on his hands. Flocks of crows act strangely. Aggressive and fearless they even attack humans. Some people even believe that the crows bring nightmares to the citizens of Andergast. When some of the once celebrated heroes, who had executed the Seer, are found dead and with eyes picked out rumors spread throughout the city. Many believe that the ghost of the Seer has finally returned to take revenge. And of course many believe Geron to be the reason for these dark signs. After all he was said to bring bad luck and disaster to Andergast.
As the king searches for a trapper for an important quest, Geron takes his chance to clear his name once and for all. And so Geron gets entangled into a story that will prove to be of greater importance than he could ever have expected.


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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav   The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav EmptySat Mar 03, 2012 8:26 pm

Great, this sounds like my kind of game: Third-person "important quest" (Shades of Sierra!) games are always full of exploring and adventure and I'm looking forward to playing this game. I've seen some screenshots and they are very intriguing, another plus I would say.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav   The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav EmptySat Mar 03, 2012 8:41 pm

I am very much looking forward to this game also. It looks like it will be a very good adventure. The graphics are beautiful and the story is intriguing.

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