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 Terror Within Hawk Manor Released

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2 posters
StarLite Moon
Daredevil Pioneer
StarLite Moon

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Age : 69
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Terror Within Hawk Manor Released Empty
PostSubject: Terror Within Hawk Manor Released   Terror Within Hawk Manor Released EmptyMon May 02, 2016 3:35 am

G'day good folks, well it's finally here. It was another long hard struggle and hopefully there aren't any problems with the game. I'd like to thank Adventure Point for hosting this game. It's your regular point and click adventure. Please read the readme text file included with the zip file, it tells you how to play the game and how use some of the icons. There is a walkthru included should you need it.

This is a first person supernatural thriller based on true events. I would like to thank Winfrey for doing the voice of Belle Hawk, she did a fabulous job. Don't know of much else to say about the game except that I hope you enjoy it. Below are links for the promo and download file. It is zipped with Winzip, so I hope you don't have a problem. Enjoy everyone and don't forget to pass around the game link to your friends

Hawk Manor Release
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Join date : 2009-12-14
Location : Los Angeles, CA

Terror Within Hawk Manor Released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror Within Hawk Manor Released   Terror Within Hawk Manor Released EmptySun May 08, 2016 2:59 am

Congrats on finishing up such an ambitious project StarLite! cheers

I downloaded it and will give it a shot soon.

I saw your thread also on the AGS forums. Please don't be mad at them for giving out constructive criticism. I know you want a break from the whole game dev thing, as burn out happens to everybody who works so hard to get a big project to the finish line. If/when you feel up to returning and fix up some bugs, they are a great community to help beta test and identify anything that is potentially game breaking.

Again though, big congrats!
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Terror Within Hawk Manor Released
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