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 Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!

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Lady Kestrel
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 18, 2010 1:31 am

** Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest **
Click the Orb!

Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! 708858

Okay, here goes.

For absolutely no reason at all (other than that yours truly has managed to negotiate some prizes from a very generous, and friendly, game development company), I have another brain twisting Adventure games quiz for you.

As before, you'll need to have Excel on your PC or, otherwise, take GreyFuss' advice from the thread of Screenshot Quiz #1 and find yourself a work-around. Sorry about that.

Just send me a private message (p.m. or m.p., or whatever it's called scratch), with a list of the games you've found. You can P.M. me as often as you like with your answers. In order to get an automatic CORRECT response, the answers you type in for the games have to be exactly as I have them. So, don't give up, and try again if you're sure you're right.

IMPORTANT! ** You are allowed to give me your answer without getting a correct response from the Excel software, BUT if you're wrong in what you tell me you don't get another chance at that particular screenshot. **

This time the quiz has two parts and the cumulative score from both parts is what counts. Both require you to guess the game from the screenshot or, in the case of Quiz 'b', the picture.

Quiz 'a' is called 'A Steps and Stairways Challenge' and Quiz 'b' is entitled 'A Feast of Mince Pies', where all the 'eyes' on show are taken from Adventure game box covers. By the way, 'Mince Pies', if you didn't know, is cockney rhyming slang. Wink

I think Quiz 'b' is the easier of the two, so you'll have less time to think up the answers for Quiz 'b'. Quiz 'b' will begin on Wednesday the 26th.

The quiz is open to anyone who visits the Adventure Point Quiz Page, but only by sending me answers by private message/s via the forum are you allowed to compete. So, in effect, it's forum members only.

Closing date for all entries will be midnight UK time (GMT), of Saturday 5th June.

Three important bits;

1). Punctuation is NOT important, and is not included in the game answers.
2). Both upper and lower case are accepted.
3). Some answers may require FULL game titles and some may NOT.

All I'll tell you is that there are FIVE prizes on offer, and all are identical.

* The winner will receive one.
* The second placed person will receive one.
* A draw will be made between the 3rd and 4th placed person, with the winner of the draw receiving one.
* A draw will be made between the 5th, 6th and 7th placed person, with the winner of the draw receiving one.
* A draw will be made between the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th placed person, with the winner of the draw receiving one.

This will mean that everyone has a chance of winning, and all you need to do to be in with a chance, is to finish in the top ELEVEN places.

If less than eleven people enter, then, the first and second placed will get one prize each, and the remainder of the prizes will be decided by a draw of three names from the hat.

In the event of tied places, the earlier you get to your final score the higher you'll be in the pecking order. So, for example, player X gets to his/her final score of 30 correct the day before player Y. Player X has finished higher in the pecking order.

All moderators ARE allowed to compete, as only I have the answers. Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! 643578

Good luck fellow Adventurers!

Gelert. Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! 79914

PLEASE NOTE that for SCREENSHOT NUMBER 4 in PART A, and PICTURE NUMBER 10 in Part B, a colon ( : ), is required in the title of the game. You MUST include this punctuation for Excel to accept your answer as correct!

The punctuation is a colon :

So, please include : in your answer.


Last edited by Gelert on Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:50 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 18, 2010 1:44 am

Another contest cheers Good luck to all.

Thank you Gelert Smile

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Lady Kestrel
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Lady Kestrel

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 18, 2010 5:03 pm

That's a familiar theme you have there, Gelert, but I don't see any duplicates. (Darn!) Very Happy This should be challenging, especially since I don't have Excel and only get one guess per screenshot. Would you prefer all the guesses at once or can we send them in batches?
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 18, 2010 5:14 pm

Either way LadyK.

Doesn't the GreyFuss workaround work for you? That sounds like a dance! lol!

All you need to do is finish in the top eleven and you're in the draw. Hope that's okay. Smile

Edit: Yes. But it was only afterwards I remembered the MM theme was stairways as well. The fact there aren't any duplicates is pure luck! lol!
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 18, 2010 11:17 pm

Cool. There's only a few that I recognize right away, so I'm lucky to have Excel. Cool
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyThu May 20, 2010 11:39 pm

I know seven of those, six or seven I can't place atm, the rest would be tough to guess pale .
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyThu May 20, 2010 11:48 pm

Send me what you have so far then zobraks. Smile
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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyThu May 20, 2010 11:56 pm

I'll send you the list when I place those games I know. Just figured out another one king .
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyFri May 21, 2010 12:00 am

Unfortunately, I don't recognize any of them. I guess I just haven't played enough games. No
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyFri May 21, 2010 12:09 am

jkeerie wrote:
Unfortunately, I don't recognize any of them. I guess I just haven't played enough games. No

Hi JK! Don't give up. Even if you only get one right you'll be in with a chance of being in the top eleven best scores. That means you'd have at least a one in four chance of winning the prize. And ............ the second half of the contest might suit you better. Smile
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Lady Kestrel
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Lady Kestrel

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyFri May 21, 2010 4:00 am

Gelert wrote:

Doesn't the GreyFuss workaround work for you? That sounds like a dance! lol!
I don't think I ever learned those steps. Smile (I can open the document in NeoOffice, but there's something about the macro that won't let me type in the answers.)
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyFri May 21, 2010 12:58 pm

Professor GreyFuss! Where are you when we need you? Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! 766853
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyFri May 21, 2010 3:17 pm

The GreyFuss workaround is an Excel download. It allows you to open and view the screenshots. It is a viewer only and doesn't allow you to type in the answers.

Excel Viewer download found Here

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyFri May 21, 2010 10:25 pm

Update: All I'll say is that, from the answers I've has so far, there are two games which nobody has identified. study
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptySat May 22, 2010 3:56 am

Gelert wrote:
Professor GreyFuss! Where are you when we need you? Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! 766853


The She Pharaoh is correct. You can use the Excel Viewer to see the game but like Lady K's dilemma, you can not type in any guesses to see if you are correct. So anyone playing without the full Excel program is at a distinct disadvantage . Sad
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptySat May 22, 2010 4:15 am

GreyFuss wrote:
Gelert wrote:
Professor GreyFuss! Where are you when we need you? Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! 766853


The She Pharaoh is correct. You can use the Excel Viewer to see the game but like Lady K's dilemma, you can not type in any guesses to see if you are correct. So anyone playing without the full Excel program is at a distinct disadvantage . Sad

That's why it's good that you only need to finish in the top eleven to be in with a chance of winning. Smile

P.S.; I'll change the rules for next time. Smile
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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptySun May 23, 2010 5:43 am


Wow, another contest! I suck at these but will give it a shot. cheers

For those who don't have a million dollars to buy Microsoft Office, here are two alternatives that should do the job okay in order to use Gelert's spreadsheet to check guesses.

1. (I use this and besides a few quirks it behaves pretty well)

2. Google Docs

I haven't personally used google docs, but it should work okay. I think? <he he>
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyMon May 24, 2010 6:32 pm

THANKS LakerZ. I hope that helps. cheers

PLEASE NOTE (HandsFree knindly pointed out this), that for SCREENSHOT NUMBER 4, I've absent-mindedly left punctuation after the 1st word in the title of the game. You MUST include this punctuation for Excel to accept your answer as correct!

The punctuation is :

So, put : after the first word.

Thanks. Smile
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyMon May 24, 2010 9:47 pm

Hey Quizzical Folks!

Hurry up and give me the answers you have to part A of the Mad, Mad, May Contest.

You've only one more full day before I'll be teasing you with part B.

So far, I've received VERY FEW entries. Does that mean hardly anyone wants to win an Adventure games, or are you all keeping your cards close to your chest I wonder . . . ?
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Lady Kestrel
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Lady Kestrel

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyMon May 24, 2010 11:15 pm

Will you still accept answers for part A after tomorrow, Gelert?
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyMon May 24, 2010 11:56 pm

Yes LadyK. That was always the plan. I will. But ................ ssssh! Don't tell the slow coaches that will you? lol!
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 25, 2010 12:25 am

Yay another contest! cheers cheers
I'll send you some answers soon Gelert study
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Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 25, 2010 12:39 am

Hi Taio! Nice to see you again.

Yes. Send them through. Smile
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Lady Kestrel
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Lady Kestrel

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 25, 2010 1:13 am

I posted a link at MM and JA, Gelert, for those puzzle lovers who may not have come by here lately.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!!   Welcome to the Mad, Mad May Adventure Contest!! EmptyTue May 25, 2010 1:15 am

I only got two, which is truly abysmal. Embarassed I'm still sending them anyway. Very Happy
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