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 WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn Empty
PostSubject: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 11:16 pm

Alan Thorn, creator of one of my favourite mini games, Blast Zone, has a new (this time, full length commercial), Adventure in the works and, BOY!, does it look good?

Take a look at the interview I recently did with Alan, and see some enticing screenshots.


Release is expected early in 2010. cheers
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PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptyThu Dec 17, 2009 12:25 am

Excellent interview Gelert

I have been following Wittard progress since I first heard about it. The game has everything that I like best in my adventures. I had posted a few questions to Alan on another Forum mainly because I don't get excited about new releases lately because there is a good chance that they end up a Casual Game. Happily Alan responded to my questions and for further information here are my questions and his answers...

Quote :
GreyFuss wrote:
First let me say...WOW! It looks great and if it is indeed an adventure game on the line of games like the Myst Games, Schizm or the likes of Rhem then I am all for it and will anxiously wait for more. First Person, Solo Exploration, Non-Linear Puzzle Game? I am drooling. But I am going to error on the side of caution here and suspect this to be another Casual Game. I would like for the developers to chime in here and tell me otherwise which would be great. I also wish they would further explain "Controls Supported: Mouse, Keyboard, Wii Remote"

So what do you say Wax Lyrical, can you fill us in more?

Alan Thorn wrote:
Hello There. Thank you for your interest in the game. I would like to answer your questions regarding this.

Wittard will be a first person, non-linear, solo-exploration graphic adventure, NOT a casual or hidden object game. It is a blend of styles, similar to Myst Revelations and Shivers I and II. Like Myst, it does not feature an inventory, except for a few crucial items, and it features object manipulation puzzles. It also features a very similar control system. Like Shivers, it is colourful and features some brainteaser-logic style puzzles.

It features a lot of exploration and is light on reading.

Regarding the controls. The game can be controlled completely using any one of the following: mouse, keyboard or Wii remote. It can be entirely mouse driven, or entirely keyboard driven, or Wii remote driven, according to your liking.

I hope this answers your questions
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptyThu Dec 17, 2009 4:04 am

Hi GreyFuss.

Yes. I'm very encouraged by what we've heard thus far as well. It looks like my type of game, and should appeal to many of us old-timers (speak for yourself Gelert!) ............ Ahem! Speak TO yourself Gelert!!

If you haven't, you should give Alan's Blast Zone a try. It's good fun for a little game, and has some very cool puzzles - especially one involving paint, if I remember correctly. Must admit, I couldn't quite solve the very last riddle though. scratch
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PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptyThu Dec 17, 2009 6:41 am

Great interview Gelert

The screenshots are beautiful, the story interesting. It sounds just like my kind of game. I will be anxiously awaiting this games release.

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn Empty
PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 9:28 am

Hello There. Thank you for your interest in this game.

Just visiting to offer an update. Currently, I am in negotiation with a publisher concerning worldwide distribution, both retail and online. And I hope to have some more screen shots for you at the start of Feburary 2010.

Happy holidays, ladies and gentleman.

Alan Thorn.
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PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 8:52 pm

Hi Alan and welcome

Thank you for the update. We will be waiting with anticipation for the new screen shots and a release date of the game.

Please keep us informed of your progress and good luck with your negotiations with the publisher.

Happy holidays to you.

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PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 11:17 pm

Hi Alan

That is great news. I like the sound of worldwide retail distribution and not digital only.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Re: WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn   WITTARD: NEMESIS OF RAGNAROK - Interview with Alan Thorn EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 12:02 am

Hi Alan,

I just want to say thankyou for dropping by with news on Wittard. Please pop in again in the near future with any further interesting news, such as the new screenshots, etc.. It'd be great to hear how the game is progressing.


Gelert. flower
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