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 Need help in Rhem 4

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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 9:14 pm

Hi ellen941,
I don't care for the type of games like Rhem and Myst. I don't like the screenshots to begin with as they are so dreary to me, too many ramps and walkways leading to doors and more doors and nothing there except levers to pull that activate something somewhere else. I gave Myst a good try so I'm not just prejudiced against it sight unseen. I even played Myst Online: Uru Live those few months it was at GameTap, but never did get much out of it. I did have a neat Relto though with all sorts of nice touches.

About their compass: The white arrow was North and the left arrow was East is wrong (E is always to the right of N, no matter which direction the arrow is pointing, as you said) but I had this odd that true of countries *down under* like Australia and all places on the other side of the equator? I know Australia has winter about the same time as our summer, so maybe the compass is different too? I doubt it, but being closer to the South Pole might change things in other ways besides the weather.

And greetings to you, Mister Grey,
Crack up all you want, I'm happy to bring some laughs into your life, sometimes they are even intentional, but I'm not saying when. I enjoy knowing about it too as I'm not the least bit upset when I get laughs, however I get them!
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 5:02 pm

I thought about that also with the "down under" but the earth still rotates the same way no matter where we are, and the sun still rises in the same place. Must just be a typo that was over looked since everything is correct during game play.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 10:21 pm

Here is a sinario for thought...What if you stood exactly at the South Pole with a compass...wouldn't every direction then be North? scratch
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyFri Dec 03, 2010 10:51 pm

Yes every direction would be north, and I just read in my National Geographic that you can't set a watch at the south pole either because all 24 time zones converge at the south pole. There is actually land at the south pole but not the north pole, but a compuss should tell you that all directions are south from there. I don't want to tell Santa that there is no land up there but I don't think he cares. I asked him for more Rhem games for Christmas this year, I hope he gets my email. santa lol! lol! rendeer rendeer
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Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 2:41 am

Hmmm... scratch

If you stood at the North Pole wouldn't the compass just spin round and round nonstop? And wouldn't the same be true at the south Pole since the magnetic pull would be from all directions? Hmm...very interesting.
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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 3:06 am

A compass in the Northern Hemisphere truely does point in a northerly direction, but not to the North Pole. Instead, the compass points to the North Magnetic Pole, which, as Sir James Clark Ross discovered in 1831, is located at the northernmost point of the Artic coast of North America. Similarly, a compass in the Southern hemisphere always points to the South Magnetic Pole, which is firmly planted south of Australia, in Antarctica.

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 4:19 pm

when you stand at the north pole every direction would be south so the compass would show south no matter which way your facing, at the south pole every direction would be north. There are 2 poles true north and magnetic north. So now I'm confused again scratch
Everytime I think I'v got this figured out someone throws a wrench in the works. I wonder if the same is true for the south pole, yet another question to think about. With all these things to think about at least I won't get "mad cow" scratch Very Happy Very Happy
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Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 11:02 pm

ellen941, to simplify it, Magnetic North is the magnetic field that your compass is pointing to. True North is the geographic location of the North Pole. When you stand at the North Pole you are standing at the furthest point North that you can go North. Standing at the North Pole there is no points North, East or West only South. The same holds true for the South Pole. santa

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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 11:28 pm

WOW it's snowing on my screen santa And I thought it didn't snow in Florida. Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 10711 lol! At least I don't need a shovel. I have another question about Rhem 4 and the room with the 8 picture and buttons. The walkthrough says to get the pictures to change, but to what? and how many times am I supposed to hit the buttons. I am so Confused Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 632275
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Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 1:42 am

The snow is lovely isn't it.

I haven't played Rhem 4 yet so I can't help you. hopefully some one who has played it will come by soon to help you. santa


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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 2:36 am

I hope so because I'm so stuck in this room.
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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 3:29 am

Which room is that Ellen? What are the pictures of? Sorry I need my mind giggled to remember even though it wasn't that long ago that I played it.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 8:21 pm

There is a room with 8 buttons each going to a picture, when you put the sound device in the holder next to a picture it makes a sound like low low high, than you have to touch the buttons and the picture changes. scratch Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 632275 I think you have to hit it a certain number of times Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 330941
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 2:32 am

ellen941 wrote:
This is what I'm doing.... I enter the room, I'm facing north, I go to my right, EAST, I get to 2 cabinets, the one I'm facing points to the west, I set it for 62, I turn right to set the cabinet facing north to 19. Than I head north past the slider box and I get to 2 round pads, The one right in front of me I set for NORTH, than I turn right and set the one for EAST. Than I go past the exit door on the NORTH wall and get to 2 more cabinets. The one that is in front of me I set to 75, EAST. Than I turn and set the one that is facing SOUTH to 33. Now I only have 2 round pads to set and I head south to them. The one that is right in front of me , I set for SOUTH I turn and set the last one to West. I go to hit the button by the slider box and a purple beam comes out and hits the machine and two BLACK beams come out and hit thfe round recepticles by the exit door but the red light blinks not the green one. I have tried the button by the exit door every time but it will not open until the green light blinks. scratch
I have tried swithcing directions, the round pads and the cabinets, but nothing works.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 2:59 am

Well it's still a bit chilly here in south Florida, and I'm still stuck in the picture room, I really haven't had much time to play, too much Christmas shopping. The room I'm stuck in has pictures on a wall with switches in another room. when you push the buttons in the one room something changer on the pictures, I'm really not sure what I did or what to do. Can this room be reset so I can start over?
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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 3:59 am

If I remember correctly once you have traced which button reaches each picture , each time you press the button for that picture there will be one less of something in the picture. For example in one picture there are a bunch of roses, each time you press that pictures button there will either be one more or one less (can't remember which way it goes). I believe you need to number each picture with the things that are missing. Like the picture with the roses would be # 5 so you have to have five roses in the bunch. No 2 pictures have the same number. Study a picture then go and punch its button, return and see what has changed. Hope this helps.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 4:25 pm

Yes that does help but I have already pushed buttons can this be reset or must I go back to my last saved game. It would be easier to reset but I don't know if it can be done that way.
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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 4:54 pm

It doesn't matter that you have pushed the buttons they will only go as high as there are pictures (what are there 8?) and restart back to one so just keep clicking the button and go back to look at the picture.

For example: If the picture that has the roses in it has 6 roses showing and you need it to show 1 rose, click its button 3 times and it should be back to 1.
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Wanderer's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Need help in Rhem 4   Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 8:02 pm

OK I'll give it a try but it will have to wait till after Christmas,

MERRY CHRISTMAS santa AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL santa santa santa Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 172247 Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 858308 Need help in Rhem 4 - Page 2 97215
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