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 made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response

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Daredevil Pioneer

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made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response Empty
PostSubject: made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response   made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 2:59 pm

My friends on GB still never said whether I should wait out my offer of $15 (for A New Beginning PC game, which has a Buy It Now for $20), or click on the buy it now button b/c so far, the seller still hasn't responded to my offer.

It's been almost 24 hours since I made that offer yesterday morning - so, what do you guys say - should I click on the buy it now button regardless of the remaining 20+ hours waiting for the seller to respond, or should I wait until my offer expires?

The only reason I'm asking in the first place is b/c there's only 2 of that game available on ebay, and neither, nor Amazon has it, and Dave at Interact does not have it in stock, and I'm afraid if I wait someone else might buy both copies and I'll be out of luck all because I had to wait out an offer I made to buy it.

P.S. What will happen if I click on the buy it now button now instead of waiting another 24 hours until my offer expires?

I'm starting to have the feeling that the seller is ignoring my offer - that's may be why they never responded.
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response Empty
PostSubject: Re: made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response   made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 5:27 pm

ABZ the moderator at GB has already answered your question and I agree you should do what you feel is best for you. I have no idea why the seller has not responded to you but there are many reasons why a seller might not respond. I do wonder why you are trying to buy the same game from ebay that you have already purchased from Interact.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response Empty
PostSubject: Re: made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response   made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 5:56 pm

I emailed Dave at Interact asking that my order be cancelled since the game on ebay is cheaper than it is at Interact, besides, I kept waiting for my order from Interact to come only to be told by Dave (last week I think) that the game isn't in stock.

I did some poking around on ebay, found the ebay discussion forum and I asked my question there. An ebayer said to "go with the Buy It Now and leave a note to the seller about the offer, tell them you want 1 copy and to cancel the offer made yesterday". This I did.
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made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response Empty
PostSubject: Re: made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response   made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response Empty

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made offer for A New Beginning on ebay - still no response
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