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 Playing Mission 9 - I'm stuck - help, please?

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Playing Mission 9 - I'm  stuck - help, please? Empty
PostSubject: Playing Mission 9 - I'm stuck - help, please?   Playing Mission 9 - I'm  stuck - help, please? EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 3:35 am

I got to the part in the game where I went thru the tunnel (straight), came to where the ship's controls (nav display/map, engineering, steps leading to keyboard, display on orange planet on monitor) and I'm stuck. Could you please tell me what to do so I can advance farther in the game?

And where is the save/load/exit button?

I was playing the game the other night under win 98SE in VMWare Player, but as I didn't know how to save nor exit the game I just closed VMWare Player itself without saving/exiting from the game.

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Swashbuckling Globetrotter

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Playing Mission 9 - I'm  stuck - help, please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playing Mission 9 - I'm stuck - help, please?   Playing Mission 9 - I'm  stuck - help, please? EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 12:37 am you have the manual of the game? If yes, there should be written all the control options of the game. Try to find a walkthrough for the game to find the answer, why you got stuck. I would do that!
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Playing Mission 9 - I'm  stuck - help, please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playing Mission 9 - I'm stuck - help, please?   Playing Mission 9 - I'm  stuck - help, please? EmptySun Dec 04, 2011 2:03 am

tsampikos wrote: you have the manual of the game? If yes, there should be written all the control options of the game. Try to find a walkthrough for the game to find the answer, why you got stuck. I would do that!

Yes, I have the manual. In fact, I just read it, and although it says "to save/load/exit a game, click on the upper left of the screen", there is a diagram of the places to click on in the manual, pictured as little pale gray blocks with labels on them, the block in the upper left hand corner is labeled "help".

I did google for a w/t for the game, but all I get for Mission 9 are Club Penguin and Spy and Seek listings that have the Mission 9 as part of the google listings that are separated by the "path separator" - the forward slash mark.

So my only possibility is replaying the game (now that I read the manual) and try clicking on that block in the upper left corner of the screen to see if it shows any hints, hmmmm?
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Playing Mission 9 - I'm stuck - help, please?
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