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 Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games

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Daredevil Pioneer

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Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games Empty
PostSubject: Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games   Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 11:46 pm

Can't find these games on but found one copy on ebay, except that the price is a bit too high for me - $53 + $13.17 S & H, although I bought Backbacker earlier this year from an ebay company - for $45 + S & H. I'd do it again (spring for this game right now, but I'm waiting until mid-Dec if the game is still there), but currently I've spent over 40 bucks on computer games this month (bought from Ang at AP and on and I don't want to overspend before the middle of the month at that $53 price. But if I can get it cheaper that would be nice.

Also I cannot find Central High at amazon/ebay/, so if anyone has it that they're willing to sell, please post

EDIT - since my spending debt was already paid up several days ago, I decided to spring for that Synnergist on ebay. That and Central High were the only games I were after in addition to the ones already bought so far, (but found others).
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Location : Los Angeles, CA

Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games   Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games EmptySun Dec 18, 2011 1:13 am

That's not a bad price for Synnergist, a hard to find game. A bit tough to install properly, but I know you have good tech skills. You know it's a warning sign when the instruction book for the game is dwarfed by the troubleshooting guide, he he.

Good luck regarding Central High. I'm sure a copy will pop up somewhere. Do you have a gametz account? Somebody there might have a copy listed for sale or trade.
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Daredevil Pioneer

Posts : 538
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Location : On a PC

Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games   Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games EmptyMon Dec 19, 2011 12:40 am

lakerz wrote:

Good luck regarding Central High. I'm sure a copy will pop up somewhere. Do you have a gametz account? Somebody there might have a copy listed for sale or trade.

Yes, I do have a gametz acc't. But I'll have to hold off on buying and trading games until spring.
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Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games   Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games Empty

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Wanted: Synnergist (bought), Central High PC games
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