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 Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)

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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyTue Mar 16, 2010 11:55 pm

Okay. We'll do this every few weeks. We used to do this on Four Fat Chicks, and it was jolly good fun! lol!

Which Adventure games have you bought, or acquired through trade, recently?
(Adventure games only please. See the Dark Siders section for other games bought/traded for).

I'm back in 'gotcha!' mood, and the gotchas I've snagged recently (either buying or trading for), are;

Gothos (boxed)
Scavenger Hunter (trade pending)
Tlon (on its way)
Curse of Enchantia (CD-ROM) - may regret this one. scratch

Last edited by Gelert on Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:22 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 12:25 am

Gelert wow you got Gothos boxed!

This week I snagged in big boxes:

The Black Dahlia
Secrets of the Luxor


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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 1:50 am

The Black Dahlia's supposed to be darn good, but darn tough hats. study
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 2:40 am

Yes I have heard that it is good but hard. I'm thinking about playing it after I finish Amber which is really good too, but kind of eerie.

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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Mar 27, 2010 11:49 pm

Gelert, you MUST give your impressions of Gothos when you play it, heh. I've heard it's quite the experience!
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Mar 27, 2010 11:54 pm

I think I might have to wait until the kids have gone to bed on that one LakerZ. lol!
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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 2:53 pm

I have Black Dahlia (8 disc version) . It's a very good game !! A bit on the difficult side , but believe me when I say it's well worth it !!
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 3:00 pm

I wonder if a single DVD-ROM version of Black Dahlia was ever made. Hmm! Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) 330941
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 3:15 pm

What a fun thread Gelert.


Elvira Mistress of the Dark (boxed)
Hard Evidence:The Marilyn Monroe Files (boxed)
Queensryche's Promised Land (boxed)

Part of the excitment of collecting is getting a great deal on a game you have been looking for. Hard Evidence The Monroe Files I purchased for $12.00. Since Black Dahlia was a find on this thread I need to share .... I found a boxed Black Dahlia at GoodWill for $1.99 in perfect condition. Yep...I did the Happy Dance right there in the middle of the store. Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) A049
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 4:33 pm

Hey Gelert

DVD version was never made of Black Dahlia that I know of but it is a DVD friendly game and plays perfectly by burning all the files from the 8 disks to a blank DVD. You will have to use a Dual Layered (DL) DVD as I did because the size of all the disks is a tad bit bigger than a regular DVD can hold. No disk swapping. cheers


I am so jealous of all you adventure gamers who have these thrift stores around to find bargains.
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Daredevil Pioneer

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 5:04 pm

GreyFuss wrote:

I am so jealous of all you adventure gamers who have these thrift stores around to find bargains.

ROADTRIP!!! Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) E058
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 9:51 pm

I found a sealed big box of Titanic Adventure out of Time and Mixed Up Mother Goose in JC at the Goodwill Store. And a perfect big box Beyond Atlantis.

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 9:58 pm

Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) 15
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyMon Apr 05, 2010 1:42 am

GreyFuss wrote:
Hey Gelert

DVD version was never made of Black Dahlia that I know of but it is a DVD friendly game and plays perfectly by burning all the files from the 8 disks to a blank DVD. You will have to use a Dual Layered (DL) DVD as I did because the size of all the disks is a tad bit bigger than a regular DVD can hold. No disk swapping. cheers

Hey GreyFuss! That's really useful to know. Thankyou Sir Grue! Very Happy
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyMon Apr 05, 2010 11:53 pm

Here are several games I got over the last few months -

Ark of Time - from someone on MysteryManor;
Legend of Lotus Spring - paid approx. $1.50 plus S & H for this

Chronicles of Mystery Tree of Life - redeemed a Christmas Best Buy gift card for this after takeing my mac to the apple store

The X Files - Received as a gift from Ang here at AP (thanks, Ang!)

Last edited by K515 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyTue Apr 06, 2010 3:23 pm

You are so very welcome K5 Smile And nice..Ark of Time boxed..very good find!!
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Adventurer Extraordinaire

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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyWed Apr 07, 2010 8:29 pm

GreyFuss wrote
Quote :
I am so jealous of all you adventure gamers who have these thrift stores around to find bargains

Sounds like a very serious situation GreyFuss especially when those nice white eyes turn green
Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) 5-66 Rolling Eyes

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptyWed Apr 07, 2010 8:37 pm

Tee-hee! Very clever hats! Very clever! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 1:24 am

Okay, I know this definitely looks like 'showing off', but what the heck! I've been on one of my mini-sprees again. Latest purchases and finds include;

Return of the Phantom
Tender Loving Care
The Murderer (available as freeware, but this is the Nodtronics release)
Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures (special limited release edition)
The C.H.A.O.S. Continuum (boxed)
Drascula (boxed - I always thought the English version didn't exist boxed - It does).
Horizon (review copy of a game that was made but never released)
The Beverly Hillbillies
Gene Machine demo disk (sad for collecting demos, I know)
Of Light and Darkness extreeeemely COOL demo disk (I'll put up a picture of this if I remember)
The Dig demo disk
The Marionette soundtrack
The Dig soundtrack CD
Alchemia soundtrack CD

Gelert Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) 643578 ------------------------------>>>>>>>>>>>> Gelert Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) 396290 ----------------------------->>>>>>>>> Gelert Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) 47445
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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 1:35 am

Nice Gelert..Awww...Geez..It isnt showing off.It is sharing. It is fun to see who found what. Love it! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 1:45 am

Hi Ang!

The 'Of Light and Darkness' demo is something you have to see. Maybe it's fairly common. I don't know. But when I saw it I though "WOW!". It's the packaging that's so special. I'll put a pic up soon.

The 'Beverly Hillbillies' is a pretty poor game from what I've read but, as I'm a sucker for pretty boxes, and as I saw it at a low price, I just hadda have it. Know what I mean? Very Happy

Finally, the 'Horizon' game seems to be something very rare. The nice chap who sent it to me - he may pop by sometime. I hope so. - said he was given it to review but, because of Windows 7 incompatability issues, the game's release was abandoned.
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Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 4:06 am

Gelert I enjoy seeing what others have acquired too.

Is the Horizon game the same as the Lost Horizon game that was supposed to be coming out ?

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 4:25 am

No hats. It was a game being developed by someone called Justin Bianco but, back in 2005, it had to be abandoned because of incompatability issues with new Windows versions. Justin Bianco is South African. It's not easy to find much on it to be honest. Even the Wayback Machine throws up very little.
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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySat Apr 10, 2010 4:37 am

Thanks for clearing that up Gelert, I've really been looking forward to Lost Horizon. Smile

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Daredevil Pioneer

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PostSubject: Re: Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-)   Spend, spend, spend!!! - Tell us about the GAMES you've bought, found, or .... whatever! :-) EmptySun Apr 11, 2010 1:51 am

So Horizon is a completed adventure game that only a handful of reviewers got a chance to play?

You need to report more on this Gelert! At the very least give a review of it when you get around to playing it yourself...
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